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[III.] The Consent of the Believer unto the Ten Commandments.
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[III.] The Consent of the Believer unto the Ten Commandments.

LORD, I should have no Lord, beside
Thee, to be Lov'd, Serv'd, Glorify'd.
I should the Glory due to Thee,
In Wayes, pay, that Appointed be.
Thy Names, Thy Words, Thy Works, I should,
Sacred for proper Uses, hold.
The Dayes which thou made Sacred hath,
I should not in Diversions wast.
In their Fit places, every one,
I should with all Fit Honours own.
That Life none may unjustly Loose,
Means I should with all kindness use.
Chast I should be in every part,
Yea, Chast in every Thought of Heart.
To Get and Keep my Worldly Wealth,
I should commit no sort of Stealth.
Truth I should utter, and maintain,
And no Good Name with Slander stain.
With sweet Content I should Receive
All the Wise God will please to give.
Lord, By the Blood of CHRIST, I pray,
Save me, who do not thus obey;
And by the Strength of CHRIST, from hence,
Sav'd, Let me yield Obedience.