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Byrd Admits Mistake
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Byrd Admits Mistake

"Well, it was a mistake. I
joined it – I was youthful, very
young. It had this fraternal
appeal. I wouldn't say it was
much fun. I just went to the
meetings. We didn't wear
masks. We talked about
Americanism, Communism. I
felt in those days we were
becoming too buddy-buddy
with Russia."

With the Klan entanglement
lingering in his past, Byrd did
nothing to improve his image
with blacks when later, then as
a United States Senator, he
chaired the Appropriations
Subcommittee for the District
of Columbia. Byrd served as
chairman from 1961 to 1969,
during which time he
aroused intense controversy
for his paring down of the
District's welfare ranks, of
whom a large proportion are