University of Virginia Library


Just listen, call, and win It's that
easy. "Let's Don't Make a Deal...or
WUVA. *(3425)

Back Alley Disc invites you to
Browse Thru everyone else's
Classical music selection – then
come see ours

Derek & the Dominoes in Concert
– only $6.95 – plus War, "The
World is a Ghetto" – on sale this
week for $3.29 – Back Alley Disc.

Auto Co-op forming. Work on own
car, use our tools, our garage.
Mechanic advice, wholesale parts.
10.00 to join and 2.00/month.
977-8582 *(3476)

Piano Lessons– special student
rates– studio located within easy
walking distance from dorms. Call
296-4266 *(3483)

Happy Birthday, Bouncer, Love
from all your saors *(3487)

Responsible student available for
babysitting Tuesday and Thursday
afternoons and most evenings –
Call 296-2260 *(3494)

Come to beginners Modern Dance
Group starting Thursday, Feb. 15,
7:30-9:00 p.m. at Wesley
Foundation, 1908 Lewis Mt. Rd. or
call Susan Russell, 977-4114

Economos Men's Hairstyling "only
the Best". Layer cuts, limitless
shaggs, conservative cuts, functional
mobile, perfect geometric haircut.
Your choice any length or style. 8
bucks. By appointment 293-8422.
Meadowbrook Shopping Center.

LARGEST Morgan Horse Breeding
Farm in the South living quarters
provided and small allowance –
Opportunity to learn about the
Morgan horse, learn to work with
and train young Morgans and
exercise the older ones over the
miles of trails on the farm.
However, not to mislead you, this is
not a camp, it is a working Morgan
Horse Farm. You understand that
barn work is part of the job. Here is
an opportunity to learn while you
work. There will be various equine
instructional films and lectures
available covering such topics as,
foot problems and their treatment,
breeding and foaling, equitation,
etc. We show our stock in Vermont,
Mass., Penna., and upstate New
York, so you will on occasion
attend the shows and assist in the
show-ring. Apply to RAPIDAN
RIVER FARM, P.O. Box 45,
Lignum, Virginia 22726. Send
resume, recent picture, (If under 21
years of age, letter of permission
from your parents required).
Written personal references
required. Qualified applicants will
be interviewed personally before
acceptance. *(3481)

Minor Auto Repair Tuneups, oil
changes, fire rotations, etc. 3.50/hr.
– wholesale parts. Charlottesville
auto co-op 977-8582 *(3476)

Eight week old puppy, free to
anyone offering a good home, love
and attention. 877-8762 *(F)

Are you over weight? Maybe we
can help you! Research Diet Study.
Call 924-5121.

Executive Secretaries for major
insurance company. Openings
available March second and June
first. Call 973-8351.