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A Resolution
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A Resolution

Dear Sir:

Dave Foster's article on
Christmas in your last issue
before vacation gave a real
luster to your already
resplendent features page. I
congratulate you and him for
an insightful look at the glad
and the glum of one of the
year's most paradoxical

The editorial writer's
empathy with students'
feelings about Christmas was a
thoughtful and unexpected
addition to the page. It
certainly redeems, at least
partially, some of the other
editorial efforts in the last
couple of years.

The University should
ensure that it sticks to its plan
to finish up the fall semester
before Christmas next year. No
more vacations agonizing over
finals, as Mr. Foster mentioned
in his article. No more wasted
winter weeks between New
Year's and exams.

Mary B. Smith
Coll. 3