University of Virginia Library


Wanted—Female roommate to share
2 bedroom apartment, furnished all
utilities included, fire place 2
blocks from Rugby Road, rent
$85/mo. Call 296-3554 or

Roommate wanted: 1 Bdrm.
$45/mo. plus utilities. Call
295-9305 between 5 & 7.

Wanted: Female roommate to share
spacious, two bedroom apartment.
Rent negotiable. Call 295-4596.

Female to share 2 bedroom,
furnished apt. 5 min. walk from
UVA—$85—call before noon

Female Roommate—completely
furnished, two bedroom cottage,
$70. Call (day) 924-3987; (night)

Will share attractive bachelor home
with male clean-cut student who
will not attempt to convert my
home into a hi fi music center,
reception hall, or brothel. Meal
sharing optional. Rental 50.00
monthly. Call 295-5277 between
6-7 p.m.