University of Virginia Library


Jeffersonians and Civil Libertarians:
A.C.L.U. students chapter meets
Thurs., 8:00 P.M., Conference
Room, Newcomb Hall: All

Girls Basketball! Important meeting
for all girls interested in trying out
for Va. Basketball Club. Nov. 8,
6PM. Rm. 22, MG. Questions call
924-3015, Miss Kelly.

P.K. German presents, The Beach
Boys and The Byrds, Saturday,
November 6th, 8:00 PM. University
Hall. Tickets on sale now at
Newcomb Hall, Mincers, The
Bandbox, Hi-Fi House, and

Unicorn needs poetry, fiction,
artwork. Work should be turned in
to unicorn boy at English Dept.

University Union Sunday
Film—Rise of Louis XIV, Nov 7, 7
and 9 PM. Wilson Auditorium, 75

Zero Population Growth will
collect newspaper for recycling.
Saturday, Nov. 6, in Barracks Road
Shopping Center, 9 AM-5PM.

Women's Committee
meeting—Sunday, Nov. 7, 7:30
PM—Munford Lounge. All
interested students invited.

2nd, 3rd year premeds:
Information sessions Room 203
Physics Nov.8, 11. 4:45 PM, Nov.
17 1:15 PM. Attend anyone.

No P.K. German cards will be
honored for the Openings Concert
due to contract agreements.

Edward Albee wrote "Who's Afraid
of Virginia Wolfe and also "A
Delicate Balance" Nov. 15-21 at
Minor Hall 924-3051.

Degree Applicants who failed to
have their picture taken please call
Corks & Curls 2 PM to 5 PM.