University of Virginia Library


CORMIER Lecture on Irish Art:
"Early Irish:: 7:30 P.M. JWH 142.

UNICORN: Staff meeting, Rm. 4B
of N.H. at 7 P.M. Please bring
material for next issue.

A-I-A-A meeting at 7 P.M. in AM
Aud. All members please attend,
guests welcome.

Organization Meeting of The
Progressive Engineering Party at
6:30 in A and M 126.

Social Committee - Class of 1971,
meets at 9 P.M. in Rm. Cl of Med.
school (go in Main entr., turn left).
All interested.

Chess Club - Impt. business meeting
for 2nd semester at 5:30 P.M. in
N.H. basement.

YR Board Meeting at 9 P.M. —
Informal Lounge. All interested,
please come.

Phi Delta Kappa luncheon meeting,
Parlor B of N.H. from 11:30-1:00.


Dell-Dinner at 6 P.M. Phone
295-1963 for reservations.

PISTOL practice changed from
Thurs. to Fri. 7 P.M. this week
only, and cancelled next Tuesday.