University of Virginia Library



New Mobile Home full equipped, 3
bedrooms $150 per month.
Available to be seen anytime at
Hacienda Motel, 5 1/2 miles on Rt.
29 North.


125 Yamaha Enduro - $375. Ideal
fall min. riding. Under female
ownership. Call greenwood,

FORD '65 automatic, new starter,
new S.P. New inspection sticker,
EC, spotless white, $625 or make
offer. Call RAJ, 295-3039 or

HONDA 350 Scrambler, 1969.
Knobbies. Skid plate, $500. Call

1961 Austin Healy Convertible
Bug-eye sprite, rebuilt engine,
restored interior and exterior, roll
ball, competition shoulder harness,
Ex. Cond. $650.00 295-0292.

1970 BSA 500cc Ex. Cond. Just
broken-in. Perfect road bike
$950.00. Call Hunter at 295-811
or 823-59.

1967 MGB. Ex. Cond. has all
available options, new tires, abarth
exhaust wire wheels, overdrive, etc.
Call 296-8816 after 5:00 P.M.

175 Honda, scrambler 1970. 2,000
miles plus two helmets, $550.00 or
best offer. Ask for Mike Leniham

Austin Healy-69 Sprite. Yellow
with black top. Radial tires, radio,
Ex. Cond. Phone: 973-6961.

1964 Volvo, ex. mechanical
condition, recent tune-up, new
brakes, a most dependable
automobile, $550.00 295-3251.

1964 Rambler Classic 4D Sw, very
good cond. new tires, power
steering and brakes, V-8 Engine
automatic transmission. $400.00
firm. Call John 295-3839 after 5:00

1960 VW, good body and interior,
tires like new, engine needs much
work, best offer, 296-0972

1969 Chevelle SS 396 vinyl roof,
tinted glass, positraction, ex. cond.
16,000 miles reasonable. 973-6324.

1969 Triumph Spitfire MK iii,
BRG. All extras, ex. cond. Call
296-8217 after 6:00 p.m.

1966 VW sunroof rebuilt engine,
very good condition 550 or best
offer call TAT 29-163, leave


PART-TIME warehouse help
needed, 12:00 AM Saturday. Apply
in person, Dettor, Edwards, &
Morris, 509 South Street.

FEMALE Student one or more
persons to fill these hours to assist
with semi-invalid lady 5-9 PM five
evening a week. Week-ends all
day/hours can be adjusted, some
time for study-room and bath
available, will train interested
person as doctor's office side to
coincide with above hours. Box
3157, University Station.

members for SCCA formula-vcc
293-4541 or 924-2647.

no children, apartment plus salary,
send resume to P.O. box 405,
Charlottesville. Va., 22901.

ROOMMATE needed to share
furnished, two-story, duplex apt.,
private bedroom, 2 blocks from
Rotund. Come by 15
University Circle.

Person needed to share luxurious
Westfield Club 3 bedrooms apt.
air-cond., pool, carpet. Call Stone

BARNABY's 29 North needs
part-time male help; Nights
weekends, lunches, call 296-9055.

RESPONSIBLE Student to work
two hours a day Monday through
Friday for Barracks Road Shopping
Center. For further information
contact Mr. David Carr at

BANJO player wanted at Shakey's
pizza parlor. Good pay. Work. 1-3
nights per week. Apply at restaurant.

PANT-SUITED: Girl Guests of the
Gaslight will be honored this

FOUND: one wallet on Preston
Place. Identify. 924-2701, Jane

PRIZES Changed daily, question
board at Gaslight. Be a winner!

FINALLY! Gaslight University
special choice of four entrees, linen
napkin and table cloth $2.25
weekdays and early live piano
dining entertainment.
caution-quota on specials necessary.

OWNERS of Green Volkswagens
please check back seat for Chaucer
Criticism Turn in Reserve Library.

Want a room in the dorm? Male,
female, graduate or undergraduate
student. Call 296-26.

FOUND: One pocketbook, identify
Sandy-Cavalier Daily.

2 for 1 special on Dry Cleaning.
One day service available on all
cleaning student operated. Located
basement of Bonny castle
4:30-6:00, M-F, 10:00-12:00 Sat.

LOST - My girl's pinkish-gold rose
pendant on gold chain necklace.
Call Steve Muron 295-105. It
means a lot to us.

offers modern dance, ballet, toe,
tap, and jazz classes. Call 293-554.
for information.