University of Virginia Library

Party Time

As the second half began
Englishmen Tony Bodgen tried for
the Wolfpack. Junius Andrews, who
threw the post game party where
"Virginia" did its own thing,"

several minutes later outside
center Hal Jordan recovered his
own dribble into the try zone for
three. The conversion flopped.

Having spotted the opposition
eight points, Virginia methodically
went to work. Carroll Ladt made a
try off of Courtney Hoopes' center
flow assist, a play learned on the
recent England tour. David Hudson

Moments later Hudson saved
Virginia's chances as he executed' a
flying tackle on a Duke back
breaking away. This play settled
Virginia, and they to rally

Dudley tried from 20 yards out
after being fed by a serum series
out of a loose ruck. Hudson's
conversion wrapped things up at
10-8 Virginia.

The Turques (B) won two
matches, whipping the second sides
from Duke and N.C. State, Especially
impressive was Paul Bishop's
ten point performance in the State
game. He converted twice and
kicked two penalty attempts, one a
47 yarder.