University of Virginia Library



1966 VW squareback, radio,
heater, 35,000 ml. Good condition,
$1300. Call Robinson at Beta
House, 296-7329.

Fringed leather coats, ponchos,
chalos, leather pants and moccasins.
Blue jeans, jackets, western
boots and clothing The Saddle
Shop, 220 West Water.

MGA's, 2/$500. Call 296-2340.


Jobs! Jobs! And more jobs.
Students, teachers. Stateside and
international jobs; year-round jobs,
summer jobs. All occupations and
trades. Enjoy a vacation while you
earn. Hurry! The best jobs are
taken early, Write "Jobs" P.O. Box
475, Dept. CP-237-1, Lodi, Calif.


BROWN University ring in
Memorial Gym Feb. 25. Call
924-3172, ask for Sandy.

Pair glasses in Observatory Road
parking lot. Brown. Call Bob,


Plan to entertain? Join our
course in French cooking.

Photographs for graduate school
applications, college applications,
ROTC, OCS, and so forth. One day
service, reasonably priced. Negatives
kept on file for future years.
Phone Gitchell's Studio, 296-7558,
107 E. Main St.

Summer in EUROPE, $199 if
you act now, June 11 to Sept. 3,
NYC to London roundtrip. Call
295-0344, ask for John Sundin.

Opportunity Shop features
March clearance sale. Clothes, furniture,
oddments. Substantial reductions.
1022 West Main St.