University of Virginia Library


ALPHA KAPPA PSI professional
business fraternity invites all
commerce and economics majors to
a rush smoker, 8:30 in Jefferson
Hall, Refreshments.

NRAO's 4th Karl G. Jany
lecture will be given at 8:30 p.m. in
the Chemistry building auditorium
by astronomer Fred Hoyle on "The
Relationship of Astronomy and

ELI BANANA meeting at 10
p.m., Zete House.

FIRST Student Education Association
meeting, 4 p.m., South
Meeting Room, graduate and undergraduates
invited to attend.

OUTING Club: Canoe trips on
Saturday, sign up by 5 p.m. tonight
if interested.

ALL PERSONS who signed up
Activities Night to work on First
Year Assembly of U. Union are
asked to attend meeting at 5 p.m.
in Informal Lounge of Newcomb
Hall. All others are invited to
attend. An introduction and explanation
of the U. Union and its
functions will be given by .
George Brown, Pres. and Tracy
Schwarzschild, V-Pres. Please note
that the meeting has been changed
from Tuesday to Wednesday because
of dorm visits.

SECOND-YEAR Comm. of the
U. Union meeting in Informal
Lounge at 9 p.m. All please attend.

MEETING for all first-year men
interested in Rush at 7 p.m. in
Gilmer Hall Aud.

PUBLIC lecture by Sesquicentennial
visiting scholar Peter Jay on
"Economic Freedom in an Interdependent
World" at 8:15 p.m. in
South Meeting Room.

ORG. meeting of the October
15 Viet Nam War Moratorium
Comm, at 9 p.m. in room 4C,
Newcomb Hall. All students, faculty,
and interested persons invited
to attend.

U. YOUNG Republicans will
hold an orientation meeting in
room 4A, Newcomb Hall for all
new members. All aspects of the
club will be discussed with special
emphasis on activities, campaign

BAN PHYS. ED. meeting for
first-year men and others interested
at 8 p.m., Wilson Hall Aud.
Sponsored by Virginia Progressive.

MARTIN L. King Jr. chapter of
the Va. Council on Human Relations
will hold its first meeting of
the year at 7:30 p.m. in room 4C,
Newcomb Hall. All interested
please attend.

STUDENT Stadium Comm.
meeting in room A-125, Thornton
Hall, 4 p.m.

AIAA meeting at 7:30 p.m. in
the A&M Aud. New members
welcome. Refreshments.