The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, February 26, 1969 | ||
IBM Selectric unused, 3 years
old. Call 296-6890.
16 foot Chrysler fiberglass boat
75 hp. motor and heavy duty
trailer, must sell $1,300 or best
offer. Call 296-0101 9:30-5 weekdays.
Northland skis and Cubco bindings
$35, Dachstein boots $30,
poles and car rack. Call 293-7160.
Ben Hogan golf clubs. Regular
shaft, D-2 weight. Phone 296-7000.
Ask for Bobbie.
Skis Blizzard super Epoxi RS,
205 cm. Call 295-5356.
58 Corvette convertible excellent
condition, new paint, must sell
$775. Call Kent 296-2290.
Charcoal-grey car — Year and
make unknown — used once — hot
tires — great sentimental value. On
display now. Best offer takes this
beauty call ZBT.
All those who advertise in this
column have signed a statement
that the facilities advertised are
ones in which any responsible student
of the University will be allowed
to reside, regardless of race,
color, religion, or national origin.
Spacious inexpensive, 2 bedroom
furnished summer sublet. Call
296-2325 after 5.
For evening of 3/8/69 one accordionist
or violinist or guitarist
for background music for cocktail
party. Call Woody McGill office
293-8161, home 296-1554.
Need ride — Exit 9 New Jersey
Turnpike — New Brunswick, or
vicinity. Mark Siegel, 296-7947.
Secretary, some administrative
ability. Typing and shorthand. To
work four hours a day. Monday
thru Friday, 1-5 p.m. Call for appointment
University YMCA,
924-3193, 9-1, 2-6.
Instructors in modern dance and
ladies Judo. Dept. Recreation
Grey herring bone overcoat 41
Long, at Lil' Del Saturday Night.
Call Lee 295-5496, 517 Rugby Rd.
Lost at Phi Psi Friday night, tan
all-weather London Fog. Size 38
Long. Tear in left pocket. Call Ivan
Rich 924-3138.
Brown suede purse with light
blue billfold. Lost in Delta Sig
house Saturday night. If found
please call Delta Sig 295-5496.
Photographs for Graduate
School Application, ROTC, etc.
One day service. Negatives kept on
file for future use. We send them to
you. Gitchell's Studio, 521 E. Main,
phone 296-7558.
Experimental Community based
on Walten Two. For information
call Twin Oaks Community, Rt.
4-C, Louisa, Va. 23093.
Kountry Kitchen on Route 29S
dinners: Monday night is steak
night — $1.49. Tuesday through
Friday — all you can eat for $1.49.
Tuesday: Spaghetti night. Wednesday:
Frank and baked beans. Thursday:
Fried Chicken. Friday: fish or
spaghetti. Call 296-5940. Beer and
wine on and off.
Happy Birthday Dana.
The Cavalier daily. Wednesday, February 26, 1969 | ||