University of Virginia Library



AN EVALUATION of the Humanities
401 curriculum will be
held in all H402 sections today and
tomorrow. Sponsored by the Engineering
Council and the Mechanical
Eng. curriculum committee.

W.I.T.C.H. meeting at 7 p.m.,
232 Mary Munford. All women

DECORATION meeting of PK
German in Memorial Gym at 10:30

OK COPELEY HILL, you asked
for it. "The Pawnbroker" is making
a repeat performance tonight at 7
and 9:30 in Newcomb Hall Ballroom.

Prism Coffee on Rugby Rd. will
open at 8 p.m. every Thursday for
talk and discussion with an invited
guest. No admission is charged on
Wed. or Thursday but there is a
cover charge of $0.50 Friday and
Saturday. The guest tonight will be
R Berry whose by-line is well
known in the "Daily Progress."

Room, Newcomb Hall 12-2

VARSITY and first-year golf
at 5 p.m., lecture room.
Memorial Gym.

CAVE CLUB meeting at 7:30
p.m., room 4A, Newcomb Hall.
Important meeting: election of new
officers. All members please attend.

Dr. John Buckman, Assoc.
professor of Psychiatry speaking on
"The Use and Misuse of Hallucinogenic
Drugs" at 7:30 p.m. in room
15, Cocke Hall. Public invited.

ENGINEERS Club — buffet and
beer party to be held in conjunction
with elections. Jefferson
Hall from 7-9 p.m.

hour in Graduate Lounge, 5 p.m.

CAVALIER Bridge Club meeting
at 8 p.m., room next to contract

CHRISTIAN Science Org. meeting
at 7 p.m. 1961 Lewis Mt. Rd.


VA. CHRISTIAN Fellowship
weekly meeting at 7:30 in Madison
Hall. Mort Whitmer, a pastor and
student worker at William and Mary
will speak on "How Does One Face
the Twentieth Century?"

FELLOWSHIP dinner — students,
families and friends. Friday
at 6:30 p.m., $1 per person. Call in
reservations, 293-3166. Baptist Student
Center, 1500 JPA, across from
Wilson Hall.


P-K GERMAN Cocktail Party
Friday, Feb. 21, 7:00 p.m. SPE

First year students with a 2.5
grade average who wish to operate a
motor vehicle on Midwinters between
6 p.m. Thursday and 6 p.m.
Sunday must go by Student Affairs
office and register their car.

Z 212-21-3144.

"WE'LL BURY You" at 7 and 9
p.m. in Newcomb Hall Ballroom on
Sunday. $0.50.

A FEW spaces remain on the
Freeport trip. Call University Union
924-3286 for further information.

STUDENTS interested in commenting
on required courses in
Govt. and Foreign Affairs major,
write suggestions to Undergraduate
Curriculum Evaluation Committee,
232 Cabell Hall.

MID-WINTERS weekend: Friday,
dance in Memorial Gym at 9
p.m. Bill Deal and the Rhondels,
The Showmen, The New York
Rock Ensemble. $3. Sat. night concert,
U. Hall at 7 p.m. John
Sebastian and Hugh Masekela, $2.

TICKETS at Mincers, Newcomb
Hall, Main Desk, HF, Timberlakes,
and at door.

SKI TEAM — dues are due this
week. Please send them to 2260 Ivy
Road. Call 295-4549 for information.

DEADLINE for signing up for
1969 Corks and Curls is March 1.
After this date all subscriptions will
be $12.50 as opposed to the current
price of $10. Subscriptions will
be taken 2-5 p.m., 5th floor, Newcomb

COURSE description blank for
spring semester of the Experimental
University are now available at their
office and at the Main Desk, Newcomb

ENGINEERS — undergraduate
and graduate. If you are interested
in summer employment, the Engineering
Council urges you to contact
Mrs. W. Moody of the Va.
Engineering Foundation, Hough
House (adjacent to Thornton Hall)
before Feb. 28. Summer Job Clearing
House of the V.E.F. provides
opportunity to learn about engineering
profession. Feb. 28 is the
deadline for filing applications.

meeting originally scheduled for today,
Feb. 20, has been postponed
until Thursday, Feb. 27, South
Meeting Room, 8 p.m. It will be a
very important meeting. Plan to