University of Virginia Library


There will be an Officer Candidate
School testing of College seniors
and graduates on Feb. 20, 21
at the Main Post Office 2nd and
Market St. Those interested
should contact SFC Daniel O.
Wright, U.S. Army Recruiting
Station, 295-5253.

Third-year students interested
in applying for the English
Speaking Union Scholarship sponsored
by the Richmond branch
to study during the summer of
1968 in the United Kingdom,
should immediately contact the
office of the Dean of the U. Applicants
must be citizens of the
United States, between 18 and 23
years of age, have written consent
of their parents, and possess outstanding

The IFC is accepting applications
for doormen for party weekends
in the spring of 1968. Male
graduate students, faculty, and
staff are requested to apply at
IFC office before Feb. 21. IFC office
is open Mon-Wed., Friday
afternoons from 2-5. Previously
approved applicants need not apply.

High Point Pool entries deadline
Feb. 16. Only 10 entries per house.

Swimming entries are in boxes.
They must be turned in by Feb.

The University Union asks that
all fraternities that have not
turned in money promised for
this year's Cav. Fund Drive please
do so at the Union office, 4th
floor, Newcomb Hall.

The Computer-Science Center
will offer an introductory course
in computer programming for the
B5500 beginning Feb. 19. The
course, which assumes no prior
knowledge of computers, will be
held in the Aero-Mechanical Auditorium
from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 on
Feb. 19, 20, 23, 26, 27, and 29. There
is no charge for the course and
registration is by attendance at
the first meeting. At that time
text books for the course will be
available for $5.25.

The University Union would
like to thank St. Elmo Hall, Chl
Phi, Kappa Alpha, and Beta
Theta Pl for their contributions
to the Cav. Fund Drive.

For those ancient heroes and
All-American he-men Rugby will
start Wednesday, Feb. 21 at 4:00
p.m. on Bonnycastle Dell.

To register a car for the Midwinters
Dance Weekend a first-year
student must have received
at least a 2.50 grade point average
for the first semester. All other
undergraduate students may register
a car if at least a 2.00 grade
point average was earned in the
first semester of the current session.
No student on probation of
any kind may be granted car privileges
for the Midwinters Dance
weekend. This also applies to students
who have been denied motor
vehicle privileges. Those students
who are eligible under the
above regulations may register a
car in the Office of the Dean of
the University February 21, 22
and 23. In registering his car the
student must be able to list the
license number of the vehicle he
will be driving. A student may
not register another student's
car. Cars may be brought into
Albemarle County any time after
6:00 p.m. on Thursday, 22 February
and must be out of the
County by 6:00 p.m. on Sunday,
25 February. Failure to comply
fully with these regulations will
prohibit the student from being
granted special car privileges for
the next Dance weekend.