University of Virginia Library


6 room apt. Basement, garage,
big lawn, quiet neighborhood.
Close to University. 224 Shamrock,

Apt. unfurnished, 3 blocks from
U. 4 rooms plus. Modern, phone
296-6263 between 5-7 weekdays.
All day Saturday, or see at 2114
Ivy Road, Apt. 14.

Room for rent in furnished
house with two fourth year students
on West Park Drive. Call
295-2829 or 293-5001.

Modern Apt., furnished, 163
Chancellor St. $75 per month, will
bargain. Call 295-5716.

House, 4 bedrooms, unfurnished,
1 baths. Fenced in yard
- net beyond suburbs. June 1
available. 296-5363.

Apt. One large living room, one
large bed, room, dinette, kitchen,
bath. Stove, refrigerator, Water,
heat furnished. Off-street parking.
2 blocks below Martha Jefferson
Hospital. Phone 296-7259.