University of Virginia Library


The BSA will hold meeting for
nominations at 6:00 in the South
Meeting Room.

WUVA Radio 640 AM 89 Cable
Stereo. Listen Tuesday mornings,
midnight until 3 a.m.

Important anana meeting,
Tuesday night, 9:00, Phi Kap
house. Everyone bring checkbooks!

Christian Science Organization
testimony meetings: 7:30 p.m.,
1961 Lewis Mt. just up from
Memorial Gym. All are invited.

Dr. Robert Cole will speak on
"Irony in the Mind's Life on
Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
at 8:00 p.m. in Gilmer Hall.

Meeting of all those interested in
the organization of a woman's track
club at the UVA track, 5 p.m.,
Monday, April 23.

Come by University Hall at 4:30
p.m. to help build bubbles for
Happy Day. Free Movie Tickets
given out.

Job-hunting techniques for women,
3 p.m., Office of Career Planning &
Placement, Minor Hall.

All ushers for the James Taylor
concert meet in room 4C,
Newcomb Hall, 7:00 Mandatory.