University of Virginia Library



St. Paul's Memorial Church
Confirmation classes begin
Saturday, February 3rd, 9:30 a.m.
Call 295-3155 for details.


Found: Caravelle wrist watch found
in front of Fitzhugh House.


Babysitter Tuesdays, Thursdays
8:00-10:00 a.m. Sleep here the
night before or come in early. Near
UVA $10/week. 296-9850.

Female roommate wanted to share
modern two bedroom apt. in
pleasant neighborhood. Furnished,
pets. Close to University.
$75/month, utilities. 295-0273.

Wanted: Roommate (male) to share
two-bedroom apt. for 2nd semester.
$55/mo. ½ block from Cabell Hall.
Tel. 295-6286.

Wanted: One rider to 24 hour
Daytona Race. Leave Thursday
afternoon. Call 977-1024 at night.

Female roommate – large,
charming furnished apartment.
Oakhurst Circle, Kitchen, fireplace.
$46/month utilities included.

Responsible, dependable person for
general housework and cars of
six-year-old. Mon. - Fri., 2-5, $1.75
hour. University area. 296-9759
after 6:00 p.m.


Must sublet, 1 bedroom furnished,
living room, kitchen, bath, nice for
the price, 977-1752.

Apartment, 2 b furnished: 10
minute walk University, 296-6054
or 293-6785, Inquire Apt. 2.

Alderman Dorm room available,
Dunglison for 2nd semester, female,
Call Connis 295-671.

Room, For female, on bus line,
kitchen privileges, rid available,
292-2721 after 5:30 p.m.

Rooms for rent– 14th St., $55
$55 per month, kitchen and living
room available, utilities included.
Call Nancy Capton 93-510 or
296-6377 or C.D. Price 295-3106
or 973-479.

Attractive, spacious, furnished apt.
next to UVA on Grady Ave. Call


Used car, 1969 MGB. red, wire
wheels, good condition. Call Susan

1970 Opel GT – yellow, $1595 and
a BSA chopper. Call 973-8674.

1963 VW station wason, recently
overhauled engine and clutch,
homemade camper interior,
29-2605 evenings.


Emerald green wall to wall carpet
accentuates the beauty of this 3
bedroom, bath and a half brick
home on a quiet dead end street,
Wall-papered kitchen with new
dishwasher, paneled recreation
room, and playroom. Large storage
area, fenced in yard. Five minutes
from UVA many extras. Phone
295-0042 after 6:00 p.m.

New LP's by The Mahavishnu
Orchestra, Derek & The Dominoes,
Elton John, Judy Collins, Traffic–
All excellent– All at Back Alley

Get the Soundtrack from
"Deliverance"– a must for
Bluegrass freaks– on sale this week
for $3.29 at Back Alley Disc.

All the house you'll ever need, 5
bedrooms, 3 baths, recreation
room, 2 fireplaces, screened porch
and balcony overlooking Greenbrier
Ecology Park, 5 minutes safe walk
to all level schools. 1407 Lester
Drive. 293-5292.


Australia, o write: J. Rains, P.O.
Box 466, Lynchburg, Va. 24503

Work Abroad! International Jobs –
Europe, South America, Asia,
Australia, U.S.A. Openings in all
fields – Social Sciences, Business,
Sciences, Engineering, Education,
etc. Paid expenses, bonuses, travel.
Includes Student Summer Job
Guide to overseas, Alaska, U.S.
Government, resort area and
construction work. Ideas for
part-time school-year jobs. All new
1972 application information–only
$4.00. Money back guarantee.
Apply ly for best opportunities–
write today International
Employment, Box 721-V92,
Peabody, Massachusetts 01960.
(Not an employment agency)

Counselors, over 20 for unique
space-age overnight boys summer
camp in Penna. Able to instruct one
of the following: Watersafety,
Waterfront Director, Lakefront
Director, Watersking, Tennis,
Photography, Athletics, Golf,
Physics, Chemistry, Riery, Ham
Radio, Boating or pioneering. Write
Camp Director 138 Red Rambler
Drive, Lafayatte Hill, Pa. 19444

A-School students - $50 for best
design house for Ex-A-schooler. To
be built in Va. Woods. No Bauhaus
tree houses. Further into write: J.
Rains, P.O. Box 466, Lynchburg,
Va. 24503

Do you have the History of the
Grateful Dead? Back Alley Disc
does–only $3.291