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A chronicle of the conquest of Granada

by Fray Antonio Agapida [pseud.]

CHAPTER XLI. Capture of Illora.

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Capture of Illora.

King Ferdinand followed up his victory at Loxa,
by laying siege to the strong town of Illora. This
redoubtable fortress was perched upon a high rock,
in the midst of a spacious valley. It was within four
leagues of the Moorish capital; and its lofty castle,
keeping vigilant watch over a wide circuit of country,
was termed the right eye of Granada.

The alcayde of Illora was one of the bravest of the
Moorish commanders, and made every preparation
to defend his fortress to the last extremity. He sent
the women and children, the aged and infirm, to the
metropolis. He placed barricades in the suburbs,
opened doors of communication from house to house,
and pierced their walls with loop-holes for the discharge
of cross-bows, arquebusses, and other missiles.

King Ferdinand arrived before the place, with all
his forces; he stationed himself upon the hill of
Encinilla, and distributed the other encampments in
various situations, so as to invest the fortress. Knowing
the valiant character of the alcayde, and the
desperate courage of the Moors, he ordered the encampments
to be fortified with trenches and pallisadoes,
the guards to be doubled, and sentinels to be
placed in all the watch-towers of the adjacent heights.

When all was ready, the duke del Infantado demanded


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the attack; it was his first campaign, and
he was anxious to disprove the royal insinuation
made against the hardihood of his embroidered chivalry.
King Ferdinand granted his demand, with a
becoming compliment to his spirit; he ordered the
count de Cabra to make a simultaneous attack upon
a different quarter. Both chiefs led forth their
troops;—those of the duke in fresh and brilliant
armor, richly ornamented, and as yet uninjured by
the service of the field; those of the count were
weatherbeaten veterans, whose armor was dented
and hacked in many a hard-fought battle. The
youthful duke blushed at the contrast. “Cavaliers,”
cried he, “we have been reproached with the finery
of our array: let us prove that a trenchant blade
may rest in a gilded sheath. Forward! to the foe!
and I trust in God, that as we enter this affray
knights well accoutred, so we shall leave it cavaliers
well proved.” His men responded by eager
acclamations, and the duke led them forward to the
assault. He advanced under a tremendous shower
of stones, darts, balls, and arrows; but nothing could
check his career; he entered the suburb sword in
hand; his men fought furiously, though with great
loss, for every dwelling had been turned into a fortress.
After a severe conflict, they succeeded in
driving the Moors into the town, about the same
time that the other suburb was carried by the count
de Cabra and his veterans. The troops of the duke
del Infantado came out of the contest thinned in
number, and covered with blood, and dust, and


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wounds: they received the highest encomiums of
the king, and there was never afterwards any sneer
at their embroidery.

The suburbs being taken, three batteries, each
furnished with eight huge lombards, were opened
upon the fortress. The damage and havoc were
tremendous, for the fortifications had not been constructed
to withstand such engines. The towers
were overthrown, the walls battered to pieces; the
interior of the place was all exposed, houses demolished,
and many people slain. The Moors were terrified
by the tumbling ruins, and the tremendous din.
The alcayde had resolved to defend the place until
the last extremity; he beheld it a heap of rubbish;
there was no prospect of aid from Granada; his people
had lost all spirit to fight, and were vociferous
for a surrender; with a reluctant heart, he capitulated.
The inhabitants were permitted to depart with
all their effects, excepting their arms; and were escorted
in safety by the duke del Infantado and the
count de Cabra, to the bridge of Pinos, within two
leagues of Granada.

King Ferdinand gave directions to repair the fortifications
of Illora, and to place it in a strong state
of defence. He left, as alcayde of the town and
fortress, Gonsalvo de Cordova, younger brother of
Don Alonzo de Aguilar. This gallant cavalier was
captain of the royal guards of Ferdinand and Isabella,
and gave already proofs of that prowess which
afterwards rendered him so renowned.