![]() | Annals of Henrico parish | ![]() |

45.Adams, Dr. John, presents relic
from Curle's, 12.Adams, John, 33.
Adams, Col. Richard, 36, 49.
Adams, Richard, Jr., 33.
Adams, Thomas B., 33.
Address by Hon. Wm. Wirt
Henry on 150th anniversary,
133-162.Address by Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph
at 150th anniversary,
117-132.A great sorrow falls upon the rector
(Rev. L. W. Burton) and
his wife, 70.Alms basin presented, 69.
Alteration of the church, 52.
Ambler, Jacquelin, kindness of to
Mr. Buchanan, 27.America's earliest legislative
body, 23.Annals of Henrico Parish, 5.
Annals of the parish and church,
58.Anniversary, 150th, 81.
Appearance of St. John's churchyard
at present time, 99.Application to City Council for
permission to build new
school-house, 50.Application to the Council of the
city "for the protection and
preservation of the burying
ground," 46;ordinance in regard
to same, 46, 47.
Argall, Gov., asks for a minister,
7.Arrearages put in hands of collector,
28.Assistant Bishops of Virginia, 103.
Assistant minister chosen for the
parish, 30.Assistant minister employed at
Weddell mission, 92.A thank-offering to God, 81.
Attendance upon church, 9.
Attractiveness and beauty of St.
John's grounds, 101.Authorities and references, 3.
BACKUS, REV. A. M., 72.
Bacon's Branch, contract for
church at, 16.Baker, Rev. F. M., 51.
Baldwin, David J., 95.
Baptismal font from Curle's
church, 12.Baptismal name of Pocahontas,
7.Baptisms, 261.
Baptisms by—
Burch, Rev. F. M., 310, 311.
Burkhead, Rev. J. H., 329, 330,
331, 333.Burton, Rev. L. W., 311, 312,
313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319,
320, 321, 323, 324, 325.Burton and Kuyk, Revs., 324,
325.Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 290, 291.
Croes, Rev. Robt. B., 279, 280.
Everett, Rev. W. B., 312, 313.
Funsten, Rev. J. B., 72, 315, 320.
Gibson, Rev. C. J., 301, 304.
Goodwin, Rev. E. L., 331.
Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 326, 327,
328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333,
334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340,
341, 342, 344.Hart, Rev. Wm. H. (1815-1828,
1836-1842), 263-277.Kepler, Rev. H. S., 283, 284, 289,
290.Kuyk, Rev. C. R., 322, 323, 324,
325, 326, 327, 328, 329.Lee, Rev. Wm. F., 277.
Miller, Rev. Benj., 277.
Minnigerode, Rev. Chas., 290.
Moore, Bishop, 280.
Morrison, Rev. J. H., 281.
Nash, Rev. P. G., 322.
Nelson, Rev. Robert, 290.
Norwood, Rev. Wm., 284, 291,
292.Nugent, Rev. P. R., 334.
Peet, Rev. Edward W., 278.
Points, Rev. John T., 288, 289.
Powers and Burton, Revs., 319.
Snead, Rev. E. B., 337, 338, 339,
340, 341, 342, 343.Tillinghast, Rev. N. P., 280.
Wall, Rev. Henry, 296.
Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., 300,
301, 304-310.Weddell and Burch, Revs., 310.
Wharton, Rev. L. B., 310.
Whittle, Bishop, 310.
Wilmer, Rev. Joseph, 292.
532Baptisms, number of, 61.
Bargrave, Rev. Thomas, 8, 86.
Barracks for British soldiers,
1781, 24.Bayard, Chevalier, 59.
Beginning of Church in Virginia,
5.Beginning of record book, 10.
Bell for the church, 40, 41, 45.
Bermuda Hundreds, 6.
Berkeley, Sir Wm. (Gov.), 35.
Bishop of Lexington, Ky., 86.
Bishop of London calls for report,
9.Bishop Madison, death of, 30.
Bishops Madison and Meade, 98.
Bishop of New York, 81.
Bishops of Virginia, assistant,
103.Bishops of Virginia, 163.
Gibson, Rt. Rev. R. A., 183.
Griffith, Rev. Dr. David, 165.
Johns, Rt. Rev. John, 176.
Madison, Rt. Rev. James, 170.
Meade, Rt. Rev. Wm., 174.
Moore, Rt. Rev. R. Channing,
172.Newton, Rt. Rev. John B., 185.
Whittle, Rt. Rev. F. M., 181.
Bishops of Virginia, succession
of, 103.Bishop Whittle grants use of
flowers on sesqui-centennial
celebration, 82.Blair, A. Beirne, 89.
Blair, Lewis H., 89.
Blair, Rev. James, 9, 86.
Blair, Rev. John D., 28.
Bodeker, Miss Pearl, 60.
Bolling, John, vestryman, 1741,
19.Bosseux, Capt. and Mrs. Cyrus,
58, 82.Bossieux, Cyrus, 57, 58.
Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, 20.
Bounds of St. John's Parish, 6.
Braine, Sarah, 69.
Brass font and ewer purchased,
78.Brewer, Sackville, reader at
Curle's and clerk of vestry,
1741, 13, 19.Brick school-house, 41;
43;repaired, 78.
Brick wall placed around church
lot, 1770, 21.Brock, Dr. R. A., 10, 58, 60.
Brock, Rev. Zach., 13.
Brocken, Rev. James, 25.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 74,
192.Brotherhood, the, 73.
Brown, R. L., 69, 76.
Brown, Mrs. R. L., 74.
Buchanan, Rev. John, chosen rector
of the parish, 1785, 25.Buchanan, Rev. John, D. D., elected
treasurer of Diocese, 26,
35, 36.Buck Roe, 20
Bruton Parish, 43.
Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 48.
Burch, Rev. Francis M., 53, 54.
Burials by—
Baker, Rev. F. M., 357.
Barrett, Rev. Robert S., 368,
371.Beckwith, Rev. Cary, 409.
Blankenship, W. S., 391.
Bundy, Geo. (colored lay reader),
403.Burkhead and Downman, Revs.,
397.Burkhead, Rev. J. H., 397, 398,
399.Burch, Rev. F. M., 375, 376.
Burton, Rev. L. W., 376, 377,
378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383,
384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389,
390, 391, 392, 394.Burton, Rev. and Mr. Abbitt
(lay reader at St. Mark's),
393.Burton and Clopton, Revs, 387.
Burton and Fair, Revs., 388.
Burton and Funsten, Revs., 386.
Burton and Gammon, Revs., 388.
Burton, Rev. L. W., and Mr.
Griffith (lay reader), 392.Burton and Kuyk, Revs. 390,
391, 394.Burton and Nash, Revs., 389.
Burton and Newton, Revs., 391.
Burton, Newton and Downman,
Revs., 391.Burton, Revs. L. W., and J.
Peterkin, 376.Burton and Pollard, Revs., 378.
Burton and Powers, Revs., 389.
Burton and Ray, Revs., 389.
Burton, Reid and Shields,
Revs., 379.Burton and Randolph, Revs.,
392.Burton and Smith, Revs., 393.
Burton, Revs. L. W., and R. R.
Howison, 380.Burton and P. Powers, Drs.
382.Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 357, 358.
Cooke, Rev. Mr., 409.
Cooke and Goodwin, Revs., 403.
Cooper and Burton, Drs., 382.
Cutler, Revs. L. A., and L. W.
Burton, 384.Dashiell and Burton, Revs., 389.
Dashiell and Shields, Revs.,
366.Everett, Rev. W. B., 377, 378,
379.Funsten, Rev. Geo. M., 383.
Funsten, Rev. J. B., 380, 381,
386.Gailor, Bishop, 395.
Gammon and Burton, Revs.,
389, 393.Gammon, Burton and Mason,
Revs., 394.Gammon and Goodwin, 396.
Garlick and Weddell, Drs., 367.
Gibson and Weddell, Drs., 370.
Gibson, Dr., 368, 375.
Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 395, 396,
397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402,
403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408,
409.Goodwin and Cooke, Revs., 408,
409.Goodwin and Cooper, Revs.,
398.Goodwin and Denniss, Revs.,
403, 405.Goodwin and Downman, Revs.,
396.Goodwin and McDeriot, Revs.,
408.Goodwin and Spencer, Revs.,
397.Goodwin and Nash, Revs., 395.
Goodwin and Staley, Revs., 407.
Hammon, Rev., 365.
Hart, Rev. W. H., 349, 350.
Hatcher and Goodwin, Revs.,
402.Howison, Revs. R. R., and L.
W. Burton, 379.Jackson, Rev. Robt. F., Jr., 373.
Judkins, Newton and Burton,
Revs., 382.Judkins and Weddell, Drs.,
368.Kepler, Rev. H. S., 351, 357,
358, 366, 371.Kuyk, Rev. C. R., 390, 391, 392,
393, 394, 395, 396.Lambeth, Burton and Sturgis,
Revs., 384.Landrum and Burton, Drs., 384.
Logan, Rev. M. P., 397.
Martin, Revs., J. C., and L. W.
Burton. 383.Martin, Burton and Sturgis,
Revs., 384.McCabe, Rev. J. D., 360.
McCulloh, Rev. Duncan, 375,
376.Mead, Rev. G. Otis, 408, 409.
Minnigerode and Weddell, Drs.,
369.Morrison, Rev. J. H., 350, 351.
Nash, Rev. P. G., 374, 392, 399,
400, 401.Nash and Burton, Revs., 386,
389.Nelson, Rev. Robert, 357.
Newton, Rev. John B., 386.
Norwood, Rev. Wm., 358, 360.
Norwood and Wall, Revs., 363.
Nugent, Rev. P. R., 402.
Patterson, Rev. Mr., 360.
Peterkin, Dr., 374.
Peterkin and Gibson, Drs., 373.
Peterkin and Kepler, Drs., 368.
Peterkin and Weddell, Drs.,
370.Peterkin, Weddell and Scott,
Drs., 369.Peterson, Reves. P. A., and Burton,
388, 394.Points, Rev. J. T., 357.
Pollard and Everett, Revs., 379.
Powers, Rev. Pike, 375, 383, 384,
385, 386, 387, 389.Proctor and Weddell, Drs., 371.
Randolph, Rt. Rev. A. M., 381.
Ray, Burton, Peterson and
Vaiden, Revs., 393.Ray, Burton and Wright, Revs.,
391.Reid and Burton, Drs., 381.
Shields, Rev. Jas. W., 366, 369.
Sledd, Judkins, Cole and Burton,
Revs., 390.Snead, Rev. E. B., 405, 406, 407,
408, 409.Strange, Rev. Robert, 409.
Stringfellow and Weddell,
Revs., 372.Tucker and Goodwin, Revs.,
400.Vest, Rev. Geo. S., 409.
Wall, Rev. E. W., 367.
Wall, Rev. Henry, 362, 363, 364,
365, 366.Weddell, Rev. A. W., 367, 368,
369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374,
375.Weddell and Gibson, Drs., 372.
Weddell and Kepler, Drs., 367.
Weddell and Minnigerode, Drs.,
368, 370.Weddell and Peterkin, Drs.,
370, 372.Weddell and Semms, Drs., 368.
Wharton, Rev. L. B., 375, 381.
Woodbridge, Dr., 368, 369.
Woodbridge and Wall, Revs.,
364.Woodward, Revs. J. P. and
Burton, 387.
533534Burton, Rev. Lewis W., 58, 63.
Burton, Rev. Lewis Wm., 37;
called, 65;
the beloved, 67;
his motto, 72;
services on
Exec. Com. Am. Ch. Miss.
Soc'y, representative Church
Temperance Society of Va.,
Vice-Pres. Richmond Protestant
Episcopal Miss'y Society,
etc., 76;has "calls," 83;
meet in regard to "calls," 83;congregation express their
views as to "calls," 8, 84, 85;accepts call and preaches
farewell sermon, 85;invited
to visit and preach at St.
John's, 86.
Burton, Mrs. (wife of the rector),
soul and spirit of entertainments,
75.Burton, Lewis James Hendree,
70.Burial place of Col. Ed. Carrington,
24.Burying ground, 33.
Busher, Rev. Joseph, accepted, but
resigned, 19.Byrd, Jr., Col. Wm., 58.
Byrd, William, 17.
Byrd, Wm., donates lots, 18.
sputtered out, 44.Care of the poor, 11.
Carrington, Col. Edward, followed
Henry, 24.Carrington, Mr. Edward, letter of,
27.Carrington, P. R., 33, 34, 35, 37,
40, 57, 58, 60.Carrington, P. R., and wife, 77.
Cary, Wilson, 20.
Centennial, sesqui, 3.
Chapel at Boar Swamp, 22.
Chapel at Deep Run, 22.
Chapel of Good Shepherd, 71, 72.
Christ church, 40, 42, 51.
Christian, Guy, 95.
Church enlarged, 1772, 21; reopened,
52.Church known by several names,
20.Church lot fenced in with wood,
21.City Hall, 33.
Clayton, Miss, 100.
Clark and Goodwin, Revs., 407.
Cocke, Bowler, appointed church
warden, 25.Cocke, Bowler, vestryman, 1741,
19.Cocke, Jas. Powell, warden, 1741,
19.Cohen, Israel and Hester, 101.
Cole, Rev. Roscow, declined offer
of parish, 1751, 20.Coles, John, 100.
Colony divided into shires, 6.
Committee on Sociability and Entertainments,
75.Committee on St. John's History
(J. S. Moore, chairman), appointed,
57.Committee—on Burials, Charity,
Church Decency and Order,
Entertainments, Sick, Strangers
and Absentees, —Comparison of the work of Revs.
Weddell, Burton, and Goodwin,
66.Communicants St. John's, number,
31-43.Communicants, 57, 197.
Alphabetical list of from 18601903,
200-222;under rectorate
of Rev. Wm. H. Hart,
Confirmations, number of, 61.
Congratulations to Rt. Rev. L. W.
Burton by the vestry on elevation
to the Bishopric of
Lexington, Ky., 86.Corner-stone laid by Masons,
1818, 31.Craigie, F. J., 94.
Croes, Rev. Robert B., 42, 43.
Crump, Dr. L. C., 92.
Curd, Edward, vestryman, 1741,
19.Curle's church, 12.
Curtis, Capt. John A. and wife,
70.Cussen Fund, 94.
Cussens, W. J., 87.
Dale, Sir Thomas, found a settlement,
5.Dashiell, Rev. T. G., 51.
Davies Memorial, 59.
Davies, W. W., 57, 58, 59, 81.
Davies, Mrs. W. W., 59.
Day's (Mr.) proposition, 35.
Death of—
Dr. Burton's father, 85.
Crump, Dr. L. C., 92.
Estes, Mrs. James M., 95.
Goodwin, Mrs. Mary E., 88.
Madison, Bishop James, 30.
Saunders, E. A., 92.
Selden, Rev. Miles, 25.
Shields, Mrs. Caroline, 93.
Decline of divine worship, 26.
De Lar War, 5.
Depressed conditions of Church
in Virginia, 1799-1812, 29.Devoted adherents, 40.
Diocese of Virginia, first convention
of, 1785, 25.Domestic and Foreign Society, 38.
Donation of lots by Wm. Byrd,
18.Drew, Mrs. E. T., 71, 72.
Drew, Thomas H., 27.
Drowning of Whitaker, 7.
Dutch Gap the location of first
church, 5.Dr. William Whitaker, 6.
Duval, Mrs. Sally D., 71.
Richmond, 1741, 19.East transcept door cut through,
48.Edmund Pendleton president Virginia
Convention of 1775, 23.Edmund Randolph and Bowler
Cocke appointed wardens, 25.Election of R. Channing Moore to
the Bishopric, 30.Eleven new pews added, 53.
Emery, Miss Julia C., 72.
Emmanuel church, 51.
Endowment Fund, 95-6-7.
Enlargement of church decided
on, 1772, 21.Episcopal Church on Richmond
Hill, 33.Estes, Mrs. James M., 53, 71, 94,
95.Everett, Rev. W. B., 68.
Extensive repairs and improvements,
Falls Chapel abandoned, 1741, 18.
Famous revolution speech of Patrick
Henry, 113-115.Fatal reaction, 47.
First entry in second vestry book,
24.First General Assembly meets in
church at Jamestown, 23.First meeting of Curle's vestry
in Richmond, 20.First record in second vestry
book, 24.Fenney (or Finney), Rev. Wm.,
86.Fitzwilson, Miss E. A., 93.
Frame school-house repaired, 79.
Franklin, Mrs. Alice M., 60.
Fraternal spirit between Rev.
John D. Blair and Mr. Buchanan,
28.Fuller, Wm., collector and vestryman,
1741, 19.GAMBLE, COLONEL, 100.
Gates, Sir Thomas, 5.
Gavin, Rev. Anthony, 14.
Gibson, Bishop R. A., 60, 103, 176,
180.Glebe land, 36.
Glebe of the parish, 13.
Goochland county cut off, 13.
Good Shepherd Sunday school organized,
71;consecrated, 72.
Goodwin, Mrs. Mary E., 88.
Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 60, 66, 67,
86, 87, 97, 98, 99, 183, 185.Grace church, 51.
Grade lowered on 24th street, 78,
79.Graffigna, Antoni, 47, 101.
Griffith, Rev. David, 25, 61, 103.
Gretter, Miss F. P., 60.
Growth of church spiritual rather
than material, 33.Guild, the, 73.
Hammond, Rev. J. E., 51.
Hart, Mrs. Lydia H., 35.
Hart, Rev. Wm. H., 35, 36, 37, 43,
57.Hart, Rev. Wm. H., elected assistant
minister, 30.Hart, Rev. W. H., accepts call, 43,
44;death of, 44.
Heads of Families, 57.
Heads of Families: Hart, Rev.
Wm. H., rector, 190, 194;Morrison,
Rev. J. H., rector, 195.
Henrico court-house and prison,
13.Henrico county and parish reduced,
13.Henrico Parish, 38.
Henrico Parish, Annals of, 5.
Henrico Parish book found, 1867,
10.Henrico Parish, boundary in 1724,
9.Henrico, religious character of, 5.
Henrico, vestrymen of, 36.
Henricopolis founded, 5.
Henry, Hon. Wm. Wirt, 82.
Henry, Hon. Wm. Wirt, address
by, 133, 162.Henry's first oratory, 11.
Henry, Patrick, makes his liberty
speech, 23, 58.History of St. John's Church, 55.
Hobson, John, sexton at Curles,
1741, 19.Holy Day declared by Assembly,
9.Hour of service changed, 81.
Houses in Richmond when captured
by Arnold, 24.Howard, B. F., 53, 68.
Hungry fed, naked clothed and
poor have the Gospel preached
to them, 75.ILLUSTRATIONS:
Autograph and coat of arms of
Rev. William Stith, opp. 200.Buchanan, Rev. John, opp. 240.
Burch, Rev. F. M., opp. 496.
Burkhead, Rev. J. H., opp. 512.
Burton, Rev. L. W., opp. 464.
Butler, Rev. Wm. C., opp. 400.
Croes, Rev. Robt. B., opp. 320.
Everett, Rev. W. B., opp. 496.
Gibson, Rt. Rev. R. A., opp. 183.
Goodwin, Rev. Robt. A., opp.
480.Hart, Rev. Wm. H., opp. 264.
Henry, Patrick, opp. 113.
Johns, Rt. Rev. John, opp. 176.
Kepler, Rev. H. S., opp. 368.
Kuyk, Rev. C. R., opp. 512.
Lee, Rev. Wm. F., opp. 280.
Madison, Bishop James, opp.
170.Marriage of Pocahontas, opp. 8.
Meade, Rt. Rev. Wm., opp. 174.
Moore, J. Staunton, opp. 64.
Moore, Rt. Rev. R. Channing,
opp. 172.Morrison, Rev. J. H., opp. 344.
Newton, Rt. Rev. J. B., opp. 185.
Norwood, Rev. William, opp.
416.Peet, Rev. E. W., opp. 300.
Points, Rev. John T., opp. 384.
Powers, Rev. Pike, opp. 512.
Randolph, Rt. Rev. A. M., opp.
117.St. John's Church in 1900, next
second title page; interior
view opposite.St. John's Church in 1903, with
new tower, opp. 57.Selden, Rev. Miles, opp. 216.
Shields, Rev. Jas. W., opp. 496.
Snead, Rev. E. B., opp. 512.
Wall, Rev. Henry, opp. 432.
Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., opp.
448.Wharton, Rev. L. B., opp. 496.
Whittle, Rt. Rev. F. M., opp.
537Improvements of church stated
by Prof. Cornelius Walker,
21.Income of parish, how derived,
10.Increase in number of Episcopalians
in Richmond, 43.Indian massacre, 8.
Indian Town Hill, 58.
Indian Town, Richmond, chosen
for location of church, 1740,
17.Indian relics, 100.
Interments under control of City
Council, 46.Interregnum in succession of
ministers of Henrico Parish
filled, 86.Introduction to History St. John's
Church, 57.Inscriptions, 411.
Inscriptions: Alphabetical list of
on monuments, 413-529.Inventory of property, 28.
JACKSON, REV. H. M., 80, 81,
82.Jamestown, 5.
Johns, Bishop John, 103.
Johnston, Jos. W., 82.
Jones, Miss Mary E., 87.
Judge Marshall's opinion of the
Caledonian cottages, 24.Junior Aid Society, 73.
KEITH, Rev. James, 13, 86.
Kepler, Rev. Henry S., 45, 48, 52,
53.Knights of Temperance, 73.
Lacy, Miss Emma, 89, 94.
Landrum, Rev. W. W., 81.
Largest increase, 65.
Lectern purchased, 81.
Lee, Rev. Wm. F., 37, 38, 39, 40,
42.Legacy to Weddell mission, 87.
Letter from Richard Channing
Moore Page, 88.Letter of Mrs. Edward Carrington,
26.Levy for new church laid, 1737,
16.Lines of old church described in
present edifice, 18.List of burials, 347.
Little Gleaners, 73.
Lord's Supper administered only
at the great festivals, 27.Lots given by Mr. Byrd, 18.
death of, 30.Manner in which to approach the
communion table, 77.Marriage of Gen. Washington, 14.
Marriage of Pocahontas to Rolfe,
7.Marriages, 1628 to 1791, 215, 232.
Marriages by—
Blagrove, Rev. Benj., 1786-1791,
232.Burch, Rev. Francis M., 253.
Burton, Rev. Lewis Wm., 253,
254, 255, 256, 257.Burton, Revs. L. W. and A. B.
Tizzard, 255.Burton, Revs. L. W. and Geo.
Cooper, 256.Burton and Downman, Revs.,
253.Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 248.
Cooper, Revs. Geo. and R. A.
Goodwin, 257.Croes, Rev. Robert B., 245.
Funsten, Rev. Jas. B., 254.
Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 257, 258,
259, 260.Goodwin, Revs. R. A. and Geo.
Cooper, 259.Goodwin, Revs. R. A., and J. Y.
Downman, and Geo. Cooper,
258.Goodwin, Rev. R. A. and W. E.
Evans, 260.Goodwin, Revs. R. A., and A. B.
Tizzard, 257.Goodwin, Revs. R. A., and Geo.
Vanderslice, 258.Hart, Rev. Wm. H., 1815-1828,
1836-1842, 233, 244.Howison, Revs. R. R., and L. W.
Burton, 254.Judkins, Revs. W. E., and L. W.
Burton, 254.Kepler, Rev. H. S., 246.
Kuyk, Rev. C. R., 256, 257.
Lee, Rev. Wm. F., 244.
Minnigerode and Weddell,
Revs., 251.Morrison, Rev. J. H., 245.
Nelson, Rev. Robert, 248.
Newton, Rev. J. B., 254, 256.
Norwood, Rev. Wm., 249.
Peet, Rev. Edward W., 244.
Peterkin, Revs. J. and L. W.
Burton, 255.Points, Rev. John T., 248.
Pollard, Revs. John and L. W.
Burton, 254.Powers, Rev. Pike, 52, 254.
Scott, Rev. Jno. G., 260.
Scott, Revs. Jno. G. and R. A.
Goodwin, 259.Shields, Rev. J. W., 251.
Snead, Rev. E. B., 259, 260.
Wall, Rev. Henry., 250.
Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., 251,
252, 253.Wharton, Rev. L. B., 253.
538Marriages, number of, 61.
McCredie, Mr., 100.
Mayer, Jno. F., 57, 58.
Mayo, P. H., 71.
Mayo, Geo. Pickett, 94.
Meade, Bishop, 36, 37, 103.
Meade Memorial, 51.
Medium of exchange, 11.
Meeting of Va. Convention of
1775, 23.Memorial Window to A. Y. Stokes,
76.Minute on the ending of the 19th
and in commemoration of the
20th century, 93-94.Minister in 1741, 19.
Ministers Henrico Parish, succession
of, 105, 106.Minister's salary in 1619, 8.
Minor, G. G., 57.
Missionary scholarships, 73.
Monumental church, 42.
Monumental church opened for
worship, 30.Monuments, inscriptions on, 413529.
Moody, Dwight L., 63.
Moore Memorial, 52.
Moore, J. Staunton, 55, 57, 62,
93, 165.Moore, Mrs. J. S., 60.
Moore, Bishop R. Channing, 30,
37, 39, 42, 43, 103.Moore, Rev. David, 31.
Morrison, Rev. J. H. 44, 45, 58.
Mosby, Robert, vestryman, 1741,
19.Mossom, Rev. David, 13.
Mother church of parish, 67.
Mr. Selden, chaplain of the 1775
Convention, 23.Musical features of the parish,
Neglected condition of the old
churchyard, 46.New church agitated, 15.
New church, 39.
New church, Mr. Day's proposition,
35.New organ purchased, 28, 31.
New school building abandoned,
47.Newton, Rev. Jno. B., 80.
Newton, Jno. B., Assist. Bishop,
103.No meeting of vestry between
April 29, 1794, and May 12,
1812, 29.No record of Revolutionary period,
23.Norwood, Rev. Dr. Wm., 45, 49,
50.Not unusual for Conventions to
meet in churches, 23.Number of burials, 61.
1741, 19.Of what the church was possessed
in 1785, 26.Old Carrington mansion, 83.
Old parsonage on 24th street sold,
76.Old sycamore tree, 78.
Old Westover church, 69.
One hundred and fiftieth anniversary,
81.Only one interment in 1891, 41.
Organist elected, 43.
Organ moved to main floor, 76.
Original communion rail, 22.
Original gallery, 21.
Parents and teachers catechize
children, 10.Parish levy for 1773, 22.
Parsonage undermined, 50.
Parson Hart, 39.
Parson's cause, 11.
Patrick Henry flashed the electric
spark, 23.Patrick Henry, Revolution speech
of, 113-115.Passion Week, 38.
Peet, Rev. Edw. W., 41, 42.
Permission given R. L. Brown
and Rev. L. W. Burton to erect
memorial windows, 76.Petition to establish new church
on Shockoe Hill, 42.Pewholders, 58.
Pewholders and heads of families,
187.Pews in St. John's Church, 40.
Pewholders, January, 1845, 189.
Pine Apple Church, 39, 40.
Place of residence of Governor of
Colony, 6.Plan adopted for securing more
revenue, 27.Pocahontas baptized as Rebecca,
7.Pocahontas taken prisoner, 7.
Points, Rev. John T., 48, 72.
Poor, care of, account entered for,
11.Position Patrick Henry occupied
while speaking, 23.Poval, John, vestryman, 1741, 19.
Powers, Rev. Pike, 52, 70.
Preaching only once every five
weeks, 20.Preamble and resolutions of the
vestry to the committee on sociability
and entertainments, 75.Precious and sacred relic, 12.
Preface, 3.
Preparing to maintain a bishop,
26.Present brick walk from 24th
street opened, 41.Present rectory purchased, 76.
Preservation of the burying-ground,
46.President of the Virginia Convention
of 1775, 23.President of William and Mary
College elected, 1752, 19.Private cemeteries, 100, 101.
Processioning land, 11.
Protest of vestry against confiscation
of glebe lands, 36.Pulling, Charlie, 100.
Pulpits furnishing ordered from
discussed, 28.RADY, CHARLES P., 31.
Randolph, Bishop A. M., 81, 103.
Randolph, Peter, vestryman, 1741,
19.Randolph, Richard, vestryman,
1741, 17, 19.Randolph, Rt. Rev. A. M., address
of, 117-132.Randolph, William, 12.
Readers and Sexton at Curles and
Richmond, 1741, 19.Rebecca, baptismal name of Pocahontas,
7.Rector to have charge of graveyard,
34.Redford, John, vestryman, 1741,
19.References and authorities, 3.
Relic from Curle's church, 12.
Religious denominations, 33.
Removal of front pews and
change in communion rail, 77.Renting pews, 34.
Repairs to the church, 1898, 92.
Resignation of Rev. L. W. Burton,
85.Resolution of condolence to Rev.
L. W. Burton on death of his
father, 85.Restoration, The, 65.
Rev. Alexander Whitaker, 5.
Revival of material prosperity,
31.Rev. John Buchanan elected treasurer
of the Diocese, 26.Rev. Mr. James Keith, 13.
Rev. Miles Selden elected rector,
1752, 20.Rev. W. Stith received as minister
of parish, 14.Richardson, D. C., 60.
de Richebourg, Claude Philippi,
86.Richmond chosen for site, 1740,
17."Richmond" church, 20.
Richmond falls into the hands of
Arnold, 24.Richmond Randolph Lodge, A. F.
and A. M., 31.Richmond Theatre burned, 30.
Rives, Col. Alfred L., 49.
Robinson, Rev. Geo., 9, 86.
"Rocketts," origin of name, 19.
Rock Hall, 6, 12, 13.
Roe, Sir James, 20.
Rolfe, John, marries Pocahontas,
7.Rose, Rev. Robert, 87.
Rutherfoord, Thomas M., 89.
70, 71, 92.Scott, Gen. Winfield, 37.
Seat of President of Va. Convention
of 1775, 22.Second Vestry book of the parish,
24.Selden, Rev. Miles, elected minister,
1752, 20; death of, 25.Services held at Capitol on alternate
Sundays, 27.Sesqui-centennial celebration of
St. John's, 82.Settlement of Henrico, 5.
Shields, Rev. Jas. W., 51, 89.
Shields, Mrs. Caroline, 93.
Shields, Miss Cornelia M., 77.
Shields, Miss Nannie M., 77.
Shires, Colony divided into, 6.
Shockoe Cemetery, 34.
Sir Thomas Dale, 5.
Sisterhood, The, 73.
Site of a University, 8.
Site of the first church, 5.
Sketches of Bishops of Virginia,
163.Sounding board, 21.
Sounding board restored, 69.
Southern Churchman founded, 40.
Souvenir programme, 81.
Spire blown down, 89.
Spiritual energies not confined to
Richmond church, 22.Spiritual prosperity, 47.
Sprigg, Rev. D. F., 51, 52.
Stanard, W. G., 60, 170, 172, 174.
St. Andrew's church, 52.
St. Andrew's church, Louisville,
Ky., 83, 84.St. John's chapter of St. Andrew's
Brotherhood, 74.St. John's church, 55, 57, 69.
St. John's church increased to its
present size, 40."St. John's" church first so called,
38.St. John's steeple blown down, 49.
St. Peter's parish, 13.
St. James' church, 43.
St. John's burying ground, 79.
St. John's Union, 73.
St. Luke's church, 45.
St. Mark's church, 45, 51.
St. John's churchyard, inscriptions
on monuments in, 413-529.St. Paul's church, 45.
St. Philip's church, 51.
Stern, Mr. L., 77.
Stith elected president of William
and Mary College, 1752, 19.Stith resigns from the parish,
1751, 19.Stith, Rev. Wm., 14, 61.
Stith's History, 19.
Stith, Wm., minister in 1741, 19.
Stockton, Rev. Jonah, 8.
Stokes, Allen Y., 76.
Storm cloud of the Revolutionary
War, 23.Story of the missions, 79.
Subscriptions given to town sergeant
for collection, 28.Succession of Bishops of Virginia,
103.Succession of ministers of Henrico
parish, 105, 106.Succession of vestrymen, 107-112.
Sunday school flourishing, 32.
Surplices, &c., ordered from England,
20.Sydney, Sir Philip, 59.
Tendency to "move up town," 65.
The "accurate Stith," 19.
The "Henry" Bell, 76.
Thorpe, Geo., supt. of building, 8.
Three unusual services, 81.
Tide begins to ebb from Curle's
church, 20.Tide of spiritual prosperity high,
47.Tithes, first parish levy, 10.
Tobacco the medium of exchange,
11."Town" church, 20.
Town inhabited by the Scotch, 24.
Transition, a church of, 65.
Tucker, Rev. Dallas, 51.
Tunnelling Church Hill, 50.
Twenty-fifth street door closed,
1857 or 1859, 22.Two gentlemen and a few ladies
at communion, 29.Two new Sunday schools established,
to grief, 8.University, site of, 8.
"Upper" church, 20.
Use of surplices introduced by
Rev. Mr. Lee, 39.VARINA, 13.
Vestry began to hold their sessions
at "Richmond town," 20.Vestry Book of Henrico parish begun,
10.Vestrymen of Henrico, 36.
Vestrymen, succession of, 107112.
Vestry of Henrico parish, 43.
Virginia Company dissolved, 9.
Virginia Convention of 1775 in
session, 23.Virginia Land Office, 36.
Visitors to the old church, 78.
WALKER, DR., 38, 39, 41.
Walker, Rev. Cornelius, 21, 41.
Walker, Rev. Prof. Cornelius, 99.
Wall on Broad street lowered, 79.
Wall, Rev. Henry, 50, 51, 52.
Wardens and vestrymen, 1741, 19.
Wardens of St. John's church, 38.
Ware, Rev. Jacob, 9, 86.
Washington, General, marriage
of, 14.Washington, George, 80.
Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., 52, 53,
63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 74.Weddell Mission S. S., 68, 71.
West entrance to churchyard
closed, 79.Weymouth, Miss, 100.
Wharton, Rev. Lyman B., D. D.,
53.Whitaker, Rev. Alex., 5, 58.
Whitaker, Dr. Wm., 6.
Whittle, Rt. Rev. F. M., (Bishop)
71, 82, 103.Whole number of families, 31-44.
Wickham, Wm., succeeds Whitaker,
7.William and Mary College, 9.
Williamson's, church building ordered
at, 15.Williams, Eleanor, Sexton at
Richmond, 1741, 19.Williams, Miss Stella, 60.
Williamson, John, vestryman, 19.
Wilmer, Bishop, 51.
Winston, Geddes, 89.
Woodbridge, Rev. Geo., 45.
Wood, Governor James, 101.
Wood, Mrs. Jean, 101.
Work on the new church abandoned,

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