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  • Adams, Dr. John, presents relic
    from Curle's, 12.

  • Adams, John, 33.

  • Adams, Col. Richard, 36, 49.

  • Adams, Richard, Jr., 33.

  • Adams, Thomas B., 33.

  • Address by Hon. Wm. Wirt
    Henry on 150th anniversary,

  • Address by Rt. Rev. A. M. Randolph
    at 150th anniversary,

  • A great sorrow falls upon the rector
    (Rev. L. W. Burton) and
    his wife, 70.

  • Alms basin presented, 69.

  • Alteration of the church, 52.

  • Ambler, Jacquelin, kindness of to
    Mr. Buchanan, 27.

  • America's earliest legislative
    body, 23.

  • Annals of Henrico Parish, 5.

  • Annals of the parish and church,

  • Anniversary, 150th, 81.

  • Appearance of St. John's churchyard
    at present time, 99.

  • Application to City Council for
    permission to build new
    school-house, 50.

  • Application to the Council of the
    city "for the protection and
    preservation of the burying
    ground," 46;

    • ordinance in regard
      to same, 46, 47.

  • Argall, Gov., asks for a minister,

  • Arrearages put in hands of collector,

  • Assistant Bishops of Virginia, 103.

  • Assistant minister chosen for the
    parish, 30.

  • Assistant minister employed at
    Weddell mission, 92.

  • A thank-offering to God, 81.

  • Attendance upon church, 9.

  • Attractiveness and beauty of St.
    John's grounds, 101.

  • Authorities and references, 3.

  • BACKUS, REV. A. M., 72.

  • Bacon's Branch, contract for
    church at, 16.

  • Baker, Rev. F. M., 51.

  • Baldwin, David J., 95.

  • Baptismal font from Curle's
    church, 12.

  • Baptismal name of Pocahontas,

  • Baptisms, 261.

  • Baptisms by—

    • Burch, Rev. F. M., 310, 311.

    • Burkhead, Rev. J. H., 329, 330,
      331, 333.

    • Burton, Rev. L. W., 311, 312,
      313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319,
      320, 321, 323, 324, 325.

    • Burton and Kuyk, Revs., 324,

    • Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 290, 291.

    • Croes, Rev. Robt. B., 279, 280.

    • Everett, Rev. W. B., 312, 313.

    • Funsten, Rev. J. B., 72, 315, 320.

    • Gibson, Rev. C. J., 301, 304.

    • Goodwin, Rev. E. L., 331.

    • Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 326, 327,
      328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333,
      334, 335, 337, 338, 339, 340,
      341, 342, 344.

    • Hart, Rev. Wm. H. (1815-1828,
      1836-1842), 263-277.

    • Kepler, Rev. H. S., 283, 284, 289,

    • Kuyk, Rev. C. R., 322, 323, 324,
      325, 326, 327, 328, 329.

    • Lee, Rev. Wm. F., 277.

    • Miller, Rev. Benj., 277.

    • Minnigerode, Rev. Chas., 290.

    • Moore, Bishop, 280.

    • Morrison, Rev. J. H., 281.

    • Nash, Rev. P. G., 322.

    • Nelson, Rev. Robert, 290.

    • Norwood, Rev. Wm., 284, 291,

    • 532

      Page 532
    • Nugent, Rev. P. R., 334.

    • Peet, Rev. Edward W., 278.

    • Points, Rev. John T., 288, 289.

    • Powers and Burton, Revs., 319.

    • Snead, Rev. E. B., 337, 338, 339,
      340, 341, 342, 343.

    • Tillinghast, Rev. N. P., 280.

    • Wall, Rev. Henry, 296.

    • Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., 300,
      301, 304-310.

    • Weddell and Burch, Revs., 310.

    • Wharton, Rev. L. B., 310.

    • Whittle, Bishop, 310.

    • Wilmer, Rev. Joseph, 292.

  • Baptisms, number of, 61.

  • Bargrave, Rev. Thomas, 8, 86.

  • Barracks for British soldiers,
    1781, 24.

  • Bayard, Chevalier, 59.

  • Beginning of Church in Virginia,

  • Beginning of record book, 10.

  • Bell for the church, 40, 41, 45.

  • Bermuda Hundreds, 6.

  • Berkeley, Sir Wm. (Gov.), 35.

  • Bishop of Lexington, Ky., 86.

  • Bishop of London calls for report,

  • Bishop Madison, death of, 30.

  • Bishops Madison and Meade, 98.

  • Bishop of New York, 81.

  • Bishops of Virginia, assistant,

  • Bishops of Virginia, 163.

    • Gibson, Rt. Rev. R. A., 183.

    • Griffith, Rev. Dr. David, 165.

    • Johns, Rt. Rev. John, 176.

    • Madison, Rt. Rev. James, 170.

    • Meade, Rt. Rev. Wm., 174.

    • Moore, Rt. Rev. R. Channing,

    • Newton, Rt. Rev. John B., 185.

    • Whittle, Rt. Rev. F. M., 181.

  • Bishops of Virginia, succession
    of, 103.

  • Bishop Whittle grants use of
    flowers on sesqui-centennial
    celebration, 82.

  • Blair, A. Beirne, 89.

  • Blair, Lewis H., 89.

  • Blair, Rev. James, 9, 86.

  • Blair, Rev. John D., 28.

  • Bodeker, Miss Pearl, 60.

  • Bolling, John, vestryman, 1741,

  • Bosseux, Capt. and Mrs. Cyrus,
    58, 82.

  • Bossieux, Cyrus, 57, 58.

  • Boucher, Rev. Jonathan, 20.

  • Bounds of St. John's Parish, 6.

  • Braine, Sarah, 69.

  • Brass font and ewer purchased,

  • Brewer, Sackville, reader at
    Curle's and clerk of vestry,
    1741, 13, 19.

  • Brick school-house, 41;

    • erected,

    • repaired, 78.

  • Brick wall placed around church
    lot, 1770, 21.

  • Brock, Dr. R. A., 10, 58, 60.

  • Brock, Rev. Zach., 13.

  • Brocken, Rev. James, 25.

  • Brotherhood of St. Andrew, 74,

  • Brotherhood, the, 73.

  • Brown, R. L., 69, 76.

  • Brown, Mrs. R. L., 74.

  • Buchanan, Rev. John, chosen rector
    of the parish, 1785, 25.

  • Buchanan, Rev. John, D. D., elected
    treasurer of Diocese, 26,
    35, 36.

  • Buck Roe, 20

  • Bruton Parish, 43.

  • Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 48.

  • Burch, Rev. Francis M., 53, 54.

  • Burials by—

    • Baker, Rev. F. M., 357.

    • Barrett, Rev. Robert S., 368,

    • Beckwith, Rev. Cary, 409.

    • Blankenship, W. S., 391.

    • Bundy, Geo. (colored lay reader),

    • Burkhead and Downman, Revs.,

    • Burkhead, Rev. J. H., 397, 398,

    • Burch, Rev. F. M., 375, 376.

    • Burton, Rev. L. W., 376, 377,
      378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383,
      384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 389,
      390, 391, 392, 394.

    • Burton, Rev. and Mr. Abbitt
      (lay reader at St. Mark's),

    • Burton and Clopton, Revs, 387.

    • Burton and Fair, Revs., 388.

    • Burton and Funsten, Revs., 386.

    • 533

      Page 533
    • Burton and Gammon, Revs., 388.

    • Burton, Rev. L. W., and Mr.
      Griffith (lay reader), 392.

    • Burton and Kuyk, Revs. 390,
      391, 394.

    • Burton and Nash, Revs., 389.

    • Burton and Newton, Revs., 391.

    • Burton, Newton and Downman,
      Revs., 391.

    • Burton, Revs. L. W., and J.
      Peterkin, 376.

    • Burton and Pollard, Revs., 378.

    • Burton and Powers, Revs., 389.

    • Burton and Ray, Revs., 389.

    • Burton, Reid and Shields,
      Revs., 379.

    • Burton and Randolph, Revs.,

    • Burton and Smith, Revs., 393.

    • Burton, Revs. L. W., and R. R.
      Howison, 380.

    • Burton and P. Powers, Drs.

    • Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 357, 358.

    • Cooke, Rev. Mr., 409.

    • Cooke and Goodwin, Revs., 403.

    • Cooper and Burton, Drs., 382.

    • Cutler, Revs. L. A., and L. W.
      Burton, 384.

    • Dashiell and Burton, Revs., 389.

    • Dashiell and Shields, Revs.,

    • Everett, Rev. W. B., 377, 378,

    • Funsten, Rev. Geo. M., 383.

    • Funsten, Rev. J. B., 380, 381,

    • Gailor, Bishop, 395.

    • Gammon and Burton, Revs.,
      389, 393.

    • Gammon, Burton and Mason,
      Revs., 394.

    • Gammon and Goodwin, 396.

    • Garlick and Weddell, Drs., 367.

    • Gibson and Weddell, Drs., 370.

    • Gibson, Dr., 368, 375.

    • Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 395, 396,
      397, 398, 399, 400, 401, 402,
      403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408,

    • Goodwin and Cooke, Revs., 408,

    • Goodwin and Cooper, Revs.,

    • Goodwin and Denniss, Revs.,
      403, 405.

    • Goodwin and Downman, Revs.,

    • Goodwin and McDeriot, Revs.,

    • Goodwin and Spencer, Revs.,

    • Goodwin and Nash, Revs., 395.

    • Goodwin and Staley, Revs., 407.

    • Hammon, Rev., 365.

    • Hart, Rev. W. H., 349, 350.

    • Hatcher and Goodwin, Revs.,

    • Howison, Revs. R. R., and L.
      W. Burton, 379.

    • Jackson, Rev. Robt. F., Jr., 373.

    • Judkins, Newton and Burton,
      Revs., 382.

    • Judkins and Weddell, Drs.,

    • Kepler, Rev. H. S., 351, 357,
      358, 366, 371.

    • Kuyk, Rev. C. R., 390, 391, 392,
      393, 394, 395, 396.

    • Lambeth, Burton and Sturgis,
      Revs., 384.

    • Landrum and Burton, Drs., 384.

    • Logan, Rev. M. P., 397.

    • Martin, Revs., J. C., and L. W.
      Burton. 383.

    • Martin, Burton and Sturgis,
      Revs., 384.

    • McCabe, Rev. J. D., 360.

    • McCulloh, Rev. Duncan, 375,

    • Mead, Rev. G. Otis, 408, 409.

    • Minnigerode and Weddell, Drs.,

    • Morrison, Rev. J. H., 350, 351.

    • Nash, Rev. P. G., 374, 392, 399,
      400, 401.

    • Nash and Burton, Revs., 386,

    • Nelson, Rev. Robert, 357.

    • Newton, Rev. John B., 386.

    • Norwood, Rev. Wm., 358, 360.

    • Norwood and Wall, Revs., 363.

    • Nugent, Rev. P. R., 402.

    • Patterson, Rev. Mr., 360.

    • Peterkin, Dr., 374.

    • Peterkin and Gibson, Drs., 373.

    • Peterkin and Kepler, Drs., 368.

    • Peterkin and Weddell, Drs.,

    • 534

      Page 534
    • Peterkin, Weddell and Scott,
      Drs., 369.

    • Peterson, Reves. P. A., and Burton,
      388, 394.

    • Points, Rev. J. T., 357.

    • Pollard and Everett, Revs., 379.

    • Powers, Rev. Pike, 375, 383, 384,
      385, 386, 387, 389.

    • Proctor and Weddell, Drs., 371.

    • Randolph, Rt. Rev. A. M., 381.

    • Ray, Burton, Peterson and
      Vaiden, Revs., 393.

    • Ray, Burton and Wright, Revs.,

    • Reid and Burton, Drs., 381.

    • Shields, Rev. Jas. W., 366, 369.

    • Sledd, Judkins, Cole and Burton,
      Revs., 390.

    • Snead, Rev. E. B., 405, 406, 407,
      408, 409.

    • Strange, Rev. Robert, 409.

    • Stringfellow and Weddell,
      Revs., 372.

    • Tucker and Goodwin, Revs.,

    • Vest, Rev. Geo. S., 409.

    • Wall, Rev. E. W., 367.

    • Wall, Rev. Henry, 362, 363, 364,
      365, 366.

    • Weddell, Rev. A. W., 367, 368,
      369, 370, 371, 372, 373, 374,

    • Weddell and Gibson, Drs., 372.

    • Weddell and Kepler, Drs., 367.

    • Weddell and Minnigerode, Drs.,
      368, 370.

    • Weddell and Peterkin, Drs.,
      370, 372.

    • Weddell and Semms, Drs., 368.

    • Wharton, Rev. L. B., 375, 381.

    • Woodbridge, Dr., 368, 369.

    • Woodbridge and Wall, Revs.,

    • Woodward, Revs. J. P. and
      Burton, 387.

  • Burton, Rev. Lewis W., 58, 63.

  • Burton, Rev. Lewis Wm., 37;

    • called, 65;

    • the beloved, 67;

    • his motto, 72;

    • services on
      Exec. Com. Am. Ch. Miss.
      Soc'y, representative Church
      Temperance Society of Va.,
      Vice-Pres. Richmond Protestant
      Episcopal Miss'y Society,
      etc., 76;

    • has "calls," 83;

    • ladies
      meet in regard to "calls," 83;

    • congregation express their
      views as to "calls," 8, 84, 85;

    • accepts call and preaches
      farewell sermon, 85;

    • invited
      to visit and preach at St.
      John's, 86.

  • Burton, Mrs. (wife of the rector),
    soul and spirit of entertainments,

  • Burton, Lewis James Hendree,

  • Burial place of Col. Ed. Carrington,

  • Burying ground, 33.

  • Busher, Rev. Joseph, accepted, but
    resigned, 19.

  • Byrd, Jr., Col. Wm., 58.

  • Byrd, William, 17.

  • Byrd, Wm., donates lots, 18.

    sputtered out, 44.

  • Care of the poor, 11.

  • Carrington, Col. Edward, followed
    Henry, 24.

  • Carrington, Mr. Edward, letter of,

  • Carrington, P. R., 33, 34, 35, 37,
    40, 57, 58, 60.

  • Carrington, P. R., and wife, 77.

  • Cary, Wilson, 20.

  • Centennial, sesqui, 3.

  • Chapel at Boar Swamp, 22.

  • Chapel at Deep Run, 22.

  • Chapel of Good Shepherd, 71, 72.

  • Christ church, 40, 42, 51.

  • Christian, Guy, 95.

  • Church enlarged, 1772, 21; reopened,

  • Church known by several names,

  • Church lot fenced in with wood,

  • City Hall, 33.

  • Clayton, Miss, 100.

  • Clark and Goodwin, Revs., 407.

  • Cocke, Bowler, appointed church
    warden, 25.

  • Cocke, Bowler, vestryman, 1741,

  • Cocke, Jas. Powell, warden, 1741,

  • Cohen, Israel and Hester, 101.

  • 535

    Page 535
  • Cole, Rev. Roscow, declined offer
    of parish, 1751, 20.

  • Coles, John, 100.

  • Colony divided into shires, 6.

  • Committee on Sociability and Entertainments,

  • Committee on St. John's History
    (J. S. Moore, chairman), appointed,

  • Committee—on Burials, Charity,
    Church Decency and Order,
    Entertainments, Sick, Strangers
    and Absentees, —

  • Comparison of the work of Revs.
    Weddell, Burton, and Goodwin,

  • Communicants St. John's, number,

  • Communicants, 57, 197.

  • Communicants:

    • Alphabetical list of from 18601903,

    • under rectorate
      of Rev. Wm. H. Hart,

  • Confirmations, number of, 61.

  • Congratulations to Rt. Rev. L. W.
    Burton by the vestry on elevation
    to the Bishopric of
    Lexington, Ky., 86.

  • Corner-stone laid by Masons,
    1818, 31.

  • Craigie, F. J., 94.

  • Croes, Rev. Robert B., 42, 43.

  • Crump, Dr. L. C., 92.

  • Curd, Edward, vestryman, 1741,

  • Curle's church, 12.

  • Curtis, Capt. John A. and wife,

  • Cussen Fund, 94.

  • Cussens, W. J., 87.


  • Dale, Sir Thomas, found a settlement,

  • Dashiell, Rev. T. G., 51.

  • Davies Memorial, 59.

  • Davies, W. W., 57, 58, 59, 81.

  • Davies, Mrs. W. W., 59.

  • Day's (Mr.) proposition, 35.

  • Death of—

    • Dr. Burton's father, 85.

    • Crump, Dr. L. C., 92.

    • Estes, Mrs. James M., 95.

    • Goodwin, Mrs. Mary E., 88.

    • Madison, Bishop James, 30.

    • Saunders, E. A., 92.

    • Selden, Rev. Miles, 25.

    • Shields, Mrs. Caroline, 93.

  • Decline of divine worship, 26.

  • De Lar War, 5.

  • Depressed conditions of Church
    in Virginia, 1799-1812, 29.

  • Devoted adherents, 40.

  • Diocese of Virginia, first convention
    of, 1785, 25.

  • Domestic and Foreign Society, 38.

  • Donation of lots by Wm. Byrd,

  • Drew, Mrs. E. T., 71, 72.

  • Drew, Thomas H., 27.

  • Drowning of Whitaker, 7.

  • Dutch Gap the location of first
    church, 5.

  • Dr. William Whitaker, 6.

  • Duval, Mrs. Sally D., 71.

    Richmond, 1741, 19.

  • East transcept door cut through,

  • Edmund Pendleton president Virginia
    Convention of 1775, 23.

  • Edmund Randolph and Bowler
    Cocke appointed wardens, 25.

  • Election of R. Channing Moore to
    the Bishopric, 30.

  • Eleven new pews added, 53.

  • Emery, Miss Julia C., 72.

  • Emmanuel church, 51.

  • Endowment Fund, 95-6-7.

  • Enlargement of church decided
    on, 1772, 21.

  • Episcopal Church on Richmond
    Hill, 33.

  • Estes, Mrs. James M., 53, 71, 94,

  • Everett, Rev. W. B., 68.

  • Extensive repairs and improvements,

  • FALLS "CHAPPEL," 12.

  • Falls Chapel abandoned, 1741, 18.

  • Famous revolution speech of Patrick
    Henry, 113-115.

  • Fatal reaction, 47.

  • First entry in second vestry book,

  • First General Assembly meets in
    church at Jamestown, 23.

  • 536

    Page 536
  • First meeting of Curle's vestry
    in Richmond, 20.

  • First record in second vestry
    book, 24.

  • Fenney (or Finney), Rev. Wm.,

  • Fitzwilson, Miss E. A., 93.

  • Frame school-house repaired, 79.

  • Franklin, Mrs. Alice M., 60.

  • Fraternal spirit between Rev.
    John D. Blair and Mr. Buchanan,

  • Fuller, Wm., collector and vestryman,
    1741, 19.


  • Gates, Sir Thomas, 5.

  • Gavin, Rev. Anthony, 14.

  • Gibson, Bishop R. A., 60, 103, 176,

  • Glebe land, 36.

  • Glebe of the parish, 13.

  • Goochland county cut off, 13.

  • Good Shepherd Sunday school organized,

    • consecrated, 72.

  • Goodwin, Mrs. Mary E., 88.

  • Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 60, 66, 67,
    86, 87, 97, 98, 99, 183, 185.

  • Grace church, 51.

  • Grade lowered on 24th street, 78,

  • Graffigna, Antoni, 47, 101.

  • Griffith, Rev. David, 25, 61, 103.

  • Gretter, Miss F. P., 60.

  • Growth of church spiritual rather
    than material, 33.

  • Guild, the, 73.

  • HALEY, SARAH, 100.

  • Hammond, Rev. J. E., 51.

  • Hart, Mrs. Lydia H., 35.

  • Hart, Rev. Wm. H., 35, 36, 37, 43,

  • Hart, Rev. Wm. H., elected assistant
    minister, 30.

  • Hart, Rev. W. H., accepts call, 43,

    • death of, 44.

  • Heads of Families, 57.

  • Heads of Families: Hart, Rev.
    Wm. H., rector, 190, 194;

    • Morrison,
      Rev. J. H., rector, 195.

  • Henrico court-house and prison,

  • Henrico county and parish reduced,

  • Henrico Parish, 38.

  • Henrico Parish, Annals of, 5.

  • Henrico Parish book found, 1867,

  • Henrico Parish, boundary in 1724,

  • Henrico, religious character of, 5.

  • Henrico, vestrymen of, 36.

  • Henricopolis founded, 5.

  • Henry, Hon. Wm. Wirt, 82.

  • Henry, Hon. Wm. Wirt, address
    by, 133, 162.

  • Henry's first oratory, 11.

  • Henry, Patrick, makes his liberty
    speech, 23, 58.

  • History of St. John's Church, 55.

  • Hobson, John, sexton at Curles,
    1741, 19.

  • Holy Day declared by Assembly,

  • Hour of service changed, 81.

  • Houses in Richmond when captured
    by Arnold, 24.

  • Howard, B. F., 53, 68.

  • Hungry fed, naked clothed and
    poor have the Gospel preached
    to them, 75.


    • Autograph and coat of arms of
      Rev. William Stith, opp. 200.

    • Buchanan, Rev. John, opp. 240.

    • Burch, Rev. F. M., opp. 496.

    • Burkhead, Rev. J. H., opp. 512.

    • Burton, Rev. L. W., opp. 464.

    • Butler, Rev. Wm. C., opp. 400.

    • Croes, Rev. Robt. B., opp. 320.

    • Everett, Rev. W. B., opp. 496.

    • Gibson, Rt. Rev. R. A., opp. 183.

    • Goodwin, Rev. Robt. A., opp.

    • Hart, Rev. Wm. H., opp. 264.

    • Henry, Patrick, opp. 113.

    • Johns, Rt. Rev. John, opp. 176.

    • Kepler, Rev. H. S., opp. 368.

    • Kuyk, Rev. C. R., opp. 512.

    • Lee, Rev. Wm. F., opp. 280.

    • Madison, Bishop James, opp.

    • Marriage of Pocahontas, opp. 8.

    • Meade, Rt. Rev. Wm., opp. 174.

    • Moore, J. Staunton, opp. 64.

    • Moore, Rt. Rev. R. Channing,
      opp. 172.

    • Morrison, Rev. J. H., opp. 344.

    • 537

      Page 537
    • Newton, Rt. Rev. J. B., opp. 185.

    • Norwood, Rev. William, opp.

    • Peet, Rev. E. W., opp. 300.

    • Points, Rev. John T., opp. 384.

    • Powers, Rev. Pike, opp. 512.

    • Randolph, Rt. Rev. A. M., opp.

    • St. John's Church in 1900, next
      second title page; interior
      view opposite.

    • St. John's Church in 1903, with
      new tower, opp. 57.

    • Selden, Rev. Miles, opp. 216.

    • Shields, Rev. Jas. W., opp. 496.

    • Snead, Rev. E. B., opp. 512.

    • Wall, Rev. Henry, opp. 432.

    • Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., opp.

    • Wharton, Rev. L. B., opp. 496.

    • Whittle, Rt. Rev. F. M., opp.

  • Improvements of church stated
    by Prof. Cornelius Walker,

  • Income of parish, how derived,

  • Increase in number of Episcopalians
    in Richmond, 43.

  • Indian massacre, 8.

  • Indian Town Hill, 58.

  • Indian Town, Richmond, chosen
    for location of church, 1740,

  • Indian relics, 100.

  • Interments under control of City
    Council, 46.

  • Interregnum in succession of
    ministers of Henrico Parish
    filled, 86.

  • Introduction to History St. John's
    Church, 57.

  • Inscriptions, 411.

  • Inscriptions: Alphabetical list of
    on monuments, 413-529.

  • Inventory of property, 28.

  • JACKSON, REV. H. M., 80, 81,

  • Jamestown, 5.

  • Johns, Bishop John, 103.

  • Johnston, Jos. W., 82.

  • Jones, Miss Mary E., 87.

  • Judge Marshall's opinion of the
    Caledonian cottages, 24.

  • Junior Aid Society, 73.

  • KEITH, Rev. James, 13, 86.

  • Kepler, Rev. Henry S., 45, 48, 52,

  • Knights of Temperance, 73.

  • LABOR OF LOVE, 61.

  • Lacy, Miss Emma, 89, 94.

  • Landrum, Rev. W. W., 81.

  • Largest increase, 65.

  • Lectern purchased, 81.

  • Lee, Rev. Wm. F., 37, 38, 39, 40,

  • Legacy to Weddell mission, 87.

  • Letter from Richard Channing
    Moore Page, 88.

  • Letter of Mrs. Edward Carrington,

  • Levy for new church laid, 1737,

  • Lines of old church described in
    present edifice, 18.

  • List of burials, 347.

  • Little Gleaners, 73.

  • Lord's Supper administered only
    at the great festivals, 27.

  • Lots given by Mr. Byrd, 18.

    death of, 30.

  • Manner in which to approach the
    communion table, 77.

  • Marriage of Gen. Washington, 14.

  • Marriage of Pocahontas to Rolfe,

  • Marriages, 1628 to 1791, 215, 232.

  • Marriages by—

    • Blagrove, Rev. Benj., 1786-1791,

    • Burch, Rev. Francis M., 253.

    • Burton, Rev. Lewis Wm., 253,
      254, 255, 256, 257.

    • Burton, Revs. L. W. and A. B.
      Tizzard, 255.

    • Burton, Revs. L. W. and Geo.
      Cooper, 256.

    • Burton and Downman, Revs.,

    • Butler, Rev. Wm. C., 248.

    • Cooper, Revs. Geo. and R. A.
      Goodwin, 257.

    • Croes, Rev. Robert B., 245.

    • Funsten, Rev. Jas. B., 254.

    • 538

      Page 538
    • Goodwin, Rev. R. A., 257, 258,
      259, 260.

    • Goodwin, Revs. R. A. and Geo.
      Cooper, 259.

    • Goodwin, Revs. R. A., and J. Y.
      Downman, and Geo. Cooper,

    • Goodwin, Rev. R. A. and W. E.
      Evans, 260.

    • Goodwin, Revs. R. A., and A. B.
      Tizzard, 257.

    • Goodwin, Revs. R. A., and Geo.
      Vanderslice, 258.

    • Hart, Rev. Wm. H., 1815-1828,
      1836-1842, 233, 244.

    • Howison, Revs. R. R., and L. W.
      Burton, 254.

    • Judkins, Revs. W. E., and L. W.
      Burton, 254.

    • Kepler, Rev. H. S., 246.

    • Kuyk, Rev. C. R., 256, 257.

    • Lee, Rev. Wm. F., 244.

    • Minnigerode and Weddell,
      Revs., 251.

    • Morrison, Rev. J. H., 245.

    • Nelson, Rev. Robert, 248.

    • Newton, Rev. J. B., 254, 256.

    • Norwood, Rev. Wm., 249.

    • Peet, Rev. Edward W., 244.

    • Peterkin, Revs. J. and L. W.
      Burton, 255.

    • Points, Rev. John T., 248.

    • Pollard, Revs. John and L. W.
      Burton, 254.

    • Powers, Rev. Pike, 52, 254.

    • Scott, Rev. Jno. G., 260.

    • Scott, Revs. Jno. G. and R. A.
      Goodwin, 259.

    • Shields, Rev. J. W., 251.

    • Snead, Rev. E. B., 259, 260.

    • Wall, Rev. Henry., 250.

    • Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., 251,
      252, 253.

    • Wharton, Rev. L. B., 253.

  • Marriages, number of, 61.

  • McCredie, Mr., 100.

  • Mayer, Jno. F., 57, 58.

  • Mayo, P. H., 71.

  • Mayo, Geo. Pickett, 94.

  • Meade, Bishop, 36, 37, 103.

  • Meade Memorial, 51.

  • Medium of exchange, 11.

  • Meeting of Va. Convention of
    1775, 23.

  • Memorial Window to A. Y. Stokes,

  • Minute on the ending of the 19th
    and in commemoration of the
    20th century, 93-94.

  • Minister in 1741, 19.

  • Ministers Henrico Parish, succession
    of, 105, 106.

  • Minister's salary in 1619, 8.

  • Minor, G. G., 57.

  • Missionary scholarships, 73.

  • Monumental church, 42.

  • Monumental church opened for
    worship, 30.

  • Monuments, inscriptions on, 413529.

  • Moody, Dwight L., 63.

  • Moore Memorial, 52.

  • Moore, J. Staunton, 55, 57, 62,
    93, 165.

  • Moore, Mrs. J. S., 60.

  • Moore, Bishop R. Channing, 30,
    37, 39, 42, 43, 103.

  • Moore, Rev. David, 31.

  • Morrison, Rev. J. H. 44, 45, 58.

  • Mosby, Robert, vestryman, 1741,

  • Mossom, Rev. David, 13.

  • Mother church of parish, 67.

  • Mr. Selden, chaplain of the 1775
    Convention, 23.

  • Musical features of the parish,


  • Neglected condition of the old
    churchyard, 46.

  • New church agitated, 15.

  • New church, 39.

  • New church, Mr. Day's proposition,

  • New organ purchased, 28, 31.

  • New school building abandoned,

  • Newton, Rev. Jno. B., 80.

  • Newton, Jno. B., Assist. Bishop,

  • No meeting of vestry between
    April 29, 1794, and May 12,
    1812, 29.

  • No record of Revolutionary period,

  • Norwood, Rev. Dr. Wm., 45, 49,

  • 539

    Page 539
  • Not unusual for Conventions to
    meet in churches, 23.

  • Number of burials, 61.

    1741, 19.

  • Of what the church was possessed
    in 1785, 26.

  • Old Carrington mansion, 83.

  • Old parsonage on 24th street sold,

  • Old sycamore tree, 78.

  • Old Westover church, 69.

  • One hundred and fiftieth anniversary,

  • Only one interment in 1891, 41.

  • Organist elected, 43.

  • Organ moved to main floor, 76.

  • Original communion rail, 22.

  • Original gallery, 21.

  • PAGE, GOV. JOHN, 88.

  • Parents and teachers catechize
    children, 10.

  • Parish levy for 1773, 22.

  • Parsonage undermined, 50.

  • Parson Hart, 39.

  • Parson's cause, 11.

  • Patrick Henry flashed the electric
    spark, 23.

  • Patrick Henry, Revolution speech
    of, 113-115.

  • Passion Week, 38.

  • Peet, Rev. Edw. W., 41, 42.

  • Permission given R. L. Brown
    and Rev. L. W. Burton to erect
    memorial windows, 76.

  • Petition to establish new church
    on Shockoe Hill, 42.

  • Pewholders, 58.

  • Pewholders and heads of families,

  • Pews in St. John's Church, 40.

  • Pewholders, January, 1845, 189.

  • Pine Apple Church, 39, 40.

  • Place of residence of Governor of
    Colony, 6.

  • Plan adopted for securing more
    revenue, 27.

  • Pocahontas baptized as Rebecca,

  • Pocahontas taken prisoner, 7.

  • Points, Rev. John T., 48, 72.

  • Poor, care of, account entered for,

  • Position Patrick Henry occupied
    while speaking, 23.

  • Poval, John, vestryman, 1741, 19.

  • Powers, Rev. Pike, 52, 70.

  • Preaching only once every five
    weeks, 20.

  • Preamble and resolutions of the
    vestry to the committee on sociability
    and entertainments, 75.

  • Precious and sacred relic, 12.

  • Preface, 3.

  • Preparing to maintain a bishop,

  • Present brick walk from 24th
    street opened, 41.

  • Present rectory purchased, 76.

  • Preservation of the burying-ground,

  • President of the Virginia Convention
    of 1775, 23.

  • President of William and Mary
    College elected, 1752, 19.

  • Private cemeteries, 100, 101.

  • Processioning land, 11.

  • Protest of vestry against confiscation
    of glebe lands, 36.

  • Pulling, Charlie, 100.

  • Pulpits furnishing ordered from
    England, 20.

    discussed, 28.

  • RADY, CHARLES P., 31.

  • Randolph, Bishop A. M., 81, 103.

  • Randolph, Peter, vestryman, 1741,

  • Randolph, Richard, vestryman,
    1741, 17, 19.

  • Randolph, Rt. Rev. A. M., address
    of, 117-132.

  • Randolph, William, 12.

  • Readers and Sexton at Curles and
    Richmond, 1741, 19.

  • Rebecca, baptismal name of Pocahontas,

  • Rector to have charge of graveyard,

  • Redford, John, vestryman, 1741,

  • References and authorities, 3.

  • Relic from Curle's church, 12.

  • Religious denominations, 33.

  • Removal of front pews and
    change in communion rail, 77.

  • 540

    Page 540
  • Renting pews, 34.

  • Repairs to the church, 1898, 92.

  • Resignation of Rev. L. W. Burton,

  • Resolution of condolence to Rev.
    L. W. Burton on death of his
    father, 85.

  • Restoration, The, 65.

  • Rev. Alexander Whitaker, 5.

  • Revival of material prosperity,

  • Rev. John Buchanan elected treasurer
    of the Diocese, 26.

  • Rev. Mr. James Keith, 13.

  • Rev. Miles Selden elected rector,
    1752, 20.

  • Rev. W. Stith received as minister
    of parish, 14.

  • Richardson, D. C., 60.

  • de Richebourg, Claude Philippi,

  • Richmond chosen for site, 1740,

  • "Richmond" church, 20.

  • Richmond falls into the hands of
    Arnold, 24.

  • Richmond Randolph Lodge, A. F.
    and A. M., 31.

  • Richmond Theatre burned, 30.

  • Rives, Col. Alfred L., 49.

  • Robinson, Rev. Geo., 9, 86.

  • "Rocketts," origin of name, 19.

  • Rock Hall, 6, 12, 13.

  • Roe, Sir James, 20.

  • Rolfe, John, marries Pocahontas,

  • Rose, Rev. Robert, 87.

  • Rutherfoord, Thomas M., 89.

    70, 71, 92.

  • Scott, Gen. Winfield, 37.

  • Seat of President of Va. Convention
    of 1775, 22.

  • Second Vestry book of the parish,

  • Selden, Rev. Miles, elected minister,
    1752, 20; death of, 25.

  • Services held at Capitol on alternate
    Sundays, 27.

  • Sesqui-centennial celebration of
    St. John's, 82.

  • Settlement of Henrico, 5.

  • Shields, Rev. Jas. W., 51, 89.

  • Shields, Mrs. Caroline, 93.

  • Shields, Miss Cornelia M., 77.

  • Shields, Miss Nannie M., 77.

  • Shires, Colony divided into, 6.

  • Shockoe Cemetery, 34.

  • Sir Thomas Dale, 5.

  • Sisterhood, The, 73.

  • Site of a University, 8.

  • Site of the first church, 5.

  • Sketches of Bishops of Virginia,

  • Sounding board, 21.

  • Sounding board restored, 69.

  • Southern Churchman founded, 40.

  • Souvenir programme, 81.

  • Spire blown down, 89.

  • Spiritual energies not confined to
    Richmond church, 22.

  • Spiritual prosperity, 47.

  • Sprigg, Rev. D. F., 51, 52.

  • Stanard, W. G., 60, 170, 172, 174.

  • St. Andrew's church, 52.

  • St. Andrew's church, Louisville,
    Ky., 83, 84.

  • St. John's chapter of St. Andrew's
    Brotherhood, 74.

  • St. John's church, 55, 57, 69.

  • St. John's church increased to its
    present size, 40.

  • "St. John's" church first so called,

  • St. John's steeple blown down, 49.

  • St. Peter's parish, 13.

  • St. James' church, 43.

  • St. John's burying ground, 79.

  • St. John's Union, 73.

  • St. Luke's church, 45.

  • St. Mark's church, 45, 51.

  • St. John's churchyard, inscriptions
    on monuments in, 413-529.

  • St. Paul's church, 45.

  • St. Philip's church, 51.

  • Stern, Mr. L., 77.

  • Stith elected president of William
    and Mary College, 1752, 19.

  • Stith resigns from the parish,
    1751, 19.

  • Stith, Rev. Wm., 14, 61.

  • Stith's History, 19.

  • Stith, Wm., minister in 1741, 19.

  • Stockton, Rev. Jonah, 8.

  • Stokes, Allen Y., 76.

  • Storm cloud of the Revolutionary
    War, 23.

  • Story of the missions, 79.

  • 541

    Page 541
  • Subscriptions given to town sergeant
    for collection, 28.

  • Succession of Bishops of Virginia,

  • Succession of ministers of Henrico
    parish, 105, 106.

  • Succession of vestrymen, 107-112.

  • Sunday school flourishing, 32.

  • Surplices, &c., ordered from England,

  • Sydney, Sir Philip, 59.


  • Tendency to "move up town," 65.

  • The "accurate Stith," 19.

  • The "Henry" Bell, 76.

  • Thorpe, Geo., supt. of building, 8.

  • Three unusual services, 81.

  • Tide begins to ebb from Curle's
    church, 20.

  • Tide of spiritual prosperity high,

  • Tithes, first parish levy, 10.

  • Tobacco the medium of exchange,

  • "Town" church, 20.

  • Town inhabited by the Scotch, 24.

  • Transition, a church of, 65.

  • Tucker, Rev. Dallas, 51.

  • Tunnelling Church Hill, 50.

  • Twenty-fifth street door closed,
    1857 or 1859, 22.

  • Two gentlemen and a few ladies
    at communion, 29.

  • Two new Sunday schools established,
    47, 53.

    to grief, 8.

  • University, site of, 8.

  • "Upper" church, 20.

  • Use of surplices introduced by
    Rev. Mr. Lee, 39.

  • VARINA, 13.

  • Vestry began to hold their sessions
    at "Richmond town," 20.

  • Vestry Book of Henrico parish begun,

  • Vestrymen of Henrico, 36.

  • Vestrymen, succession of, 107112.

  • Vestry of Henrico parish, 43.

  • Virginia Company dissolved, 9.

  • Virginia Convention of 1775 in
    session, 23.

  • Virginia Land Office, 36.

  • Visitors to the old church, 78.

  • WALKER, DR., 38, 39, 41.

  • Walker, Rev. Cornelius, 21, 41.

  • Walker, Rev. Prof. Cornelius, 99.

  • Wall on Broad street lowered, 79.

  • Wall, Rev. Henry, 50, 51, 52.

  • Wardens and vestrymen, 1741, 19.

  • Wardens of St. John's church, 38.

  • Ware, Rev. Jacob, 9, 86.

  • Washington, General, marriage
    of, 14.

  • Washington, George, 80.

  • Weddell, Rev. Alex. W., 52, 53,
    63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 74.

  • Weddell Mission S. S., 68, 71.

  • West entrance to churchyard
    closed, 79.

  • Weymouth, Miss, 100.

  • Wharton, Rev. Lyman B., D. D.,

  • Whitaker, Rev. Alex., 5, 58.

  • Whitaker, Dr. Wm., 6.

  • Whittle, Rt. Rev. F. M., (Bishop)
    71, 82, 103.

  • Whole number of families, 31-44.

  • Wickham, Wm., succeeds Whitaker,

  • William and Mary College, 9.

  • Williamson's, church building ordered
    at, 15.

  • Williams, Eleanor, Sexton at
    Richmond, 1741, 19.

  • Williams, Miss Stella, 60.

  • Williamson, John, vestryman, 19.

  • Wilmer, Bishop, 51.

  • Winston, Geddes, 89.

  • Woodbridge, Rev. Geo., 45.

  • Wood, Governor James, 101.

  • Wood, Mrs. Jean, 101.

  • Work on the new church abandoned,


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