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The Alatyr Stone

THIS stone, so often referred to in Russian song
and legend, is elektron, amber, the precious
merchandise of the first Phœnician traders, and
of their successors, the Greeks and Romans. From
very ancient times it has been found on the Baltic,
where it still abounds on the whole southern shore,
from Copenhagen to Courland. The Slavs inhabited
these shores at the date of their first appearance in
history, and it is in those portions of Russia which
border on this sea, or whose inhabitants traded on it
in early times, that the most vivid images and epithets
applied to the Alatyr stone are still preserved. In
ancient times also, the name of the Baltic among the
Slavs was the "Latyr Sea." As amber was esteemed
not only for its beauty, but as a medicine, it was worn
as a protection to the throat, chest, and the whole
body. Numerous spells and charms attest this fact.

It is generally spoken of as situated on the "Ocean-Sea,"
the "Blue Sea," or the "Island of Buyan"; and
it is called "white and burning," or "cold." White
refers to its brilliance, as in the case of the "white
day." Burning is the epithet applied to it in the frozen
North, while cold is the favourite epithet in the South.

According to the popular notion, the Ocean is the
source of all rivers; on this Ocean lies Alatyr which is
healing;—hence, from beneath this stone proceed all
rivers, and all healing.

The sea in which it lies varies with the locality in
which the song is sung or the legend narrated. As all


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interests of the Arkhangel government centre in the
White Sea, there lies the Alatyr stone. For the dwellers
in the South, it is situated in the Black or Caspian
Sea, while far inland it becomes synonymous with a
boundary stone, and as such figures at cross-roads and
so forth.

As Christianity spread, and the stiks or religious
songs developed, the Alatyr stone acquired a new
meaning. It became the stone on which Christ was
crucified, and through which his blood trickled upon
the head of Adam, and of all born on earth. Pilgrims
returning from Jerusalem declared it to be the source
of all healing, spiritual gifts, and new life. It is also
said to be the stone from which Christ preached,
despatched his disciples, and distributed books to all
the world.