University of Virginia Library

Judgement, in our days, at GOD's house begins,
Who takes such notice of our many sins,
That since we would not mend when we were chidden;
He will no longer now let them be hidden
Or go unpunish'd: but we, that each other
Provok'd to sin, shall punish one another.
Me blame not then, if I touch here and there,
Those failings on all sides which causes were


Of what we suffer: for, GOD will be known
By doing Justice; and we ought to own
Our great Transgressions, and not seek to hide
Those Crimes, for which he lays ev'n Kings aside,
As well as other men; that all may know
He giveth equal dooms to high and low.
Though, therefore, we sometimes a vail may cast
O'er faulty Rulers, whilst their pow'r doth last,
To keep them from contempt, lest their disgrace
May cause infringement of the Common Peace,
VVe must not counter-act what GOD will do,
VVhen he reproves them, and removes them too:
But, suff'ring with them by commiseration,
As being worthy of like condemnation,
Give GOD the glory, with our Pens and Breath,
For what's intended by their shame or death.