University of Virginia Library


The subject of this sketch was born in Corning, New
York, February 23d, 1874, but moved to the town of
Big Lick (now city of Roanoke) in 1876, his father,
Dr. H. C. Hart, during
illustration that year establishing
the Roanoke Valley
Health Institute in that

Mr. Hart received his
education in the public
schools of Roanoke, supplemented,
after he accepted
employment, by
private instruction evenings.
At sixteen he was
a stenographer in the
Norfolk & Western Railway
general offices; at
nineteen became
Private Secretary for the
Virginia representative
of several investment
syndicates; and at
twenty-three opened an office for himself and began
general practice as a shorthand reporter. On May 1st,
1899, Mr. Hart formed a copartnership with Mr. J. H.
Morris, under the firm name of Morris & Hart, shorthand
reporters, which firm still continues and has
stenographically reported all important conventions
and court trials held in Southwestern and Northern
Virginia, during the past twelve years.

Mr. Hart is a charter member of the National Shorthand
Reporters' Association, and takes a very deep
interest in everything that pertains to shorthand. He
and his partner established the Southern Correspondence
Schools, Incorporated, and Mr. Hart has assisted
many shorthand students to perfect themselves in
their chosen profession.

In March, 1898, the subject of this sketch was appointed
a member of the Common Council of the city
of Roanoke, following which appointment he was elected
in May, 1898, and reölected in 1900 and 1902. Under
the new constitution the Councils were to be organized
with two branches, a Common Council and a Board of
Aldermen, and in June, 1904, Mr. Hart was elected a
member of the Board of Aldermen for a term of four
years, but because of changing his place of residence in
March, 1905, from Kimball to Jefferson Ward, he at
that time resigned the latter office.

Mr. Hart is a member of the Knights of Pythias,
Chamber of Commerce of Roanoke, American, Virginia,
and Roanoke Automobile Associations.

The subject of this sketch has been active in politics,
since before reaching voting age, being successively
Secretary of the Republican City Committee, Congressional