Miscellaneous works of George Wither | ||
As great, as many, are the wrongs, the crimes,
The cruelties and falshoods of these times,
As ever; and will such continue still,
Till Truth and Errour, and till Good and Ill,
Have plaid their Masters-prize; to which intent
Their forces universally are bent
Against each other. From false hearts proceeds
Falshood in words, and wickedness in deeds;
And whilst we talk of Righteousness and Peace,
They, who concealed their maliciousness
VVith fair deportments do anew begin
So to declare what they have alwaies bin,
As makes, in many, inlets to some fear,
That, till it endeth in a Massacre,
No Vengeance will their projects terminate,
Or set a lasting period to their hate.
A bloodless Massacre here is already
Begun among us, and it will be bloody
VVhen you perceive admittance of those Strangers,
VVho first begun our plagues, renew our dangers;
And then, they who suppos'd their persons free,
VVill with the rest, in equal perils be:
For, boundless lustings, mischiefs will beget,
VVhich lye within the womb unheeded yet,
Where Sin and Death are twins conceiv'd together
Though born a little while before each other;
And, will in very ugly shapes be found
In many places, ere this year goes round;
Portended, and attended in strange wise,
VVith Omnious Events, and Prodigies.
Wee shall see Gown-men tread on Men of VVar,
High Courts of Justice called to the Bar;
Those, of whom no man lately stood in dread,
Arraign the Living, and condemn the Dead:
Make Martyrs, Saints and Reprobates of those
VVhose good or bad condition no man knows;
And act such things as never yet were done
VVithin this Clymate since the world begun.
Yet, heed this, you, who with a sober mind
Seek peace, and are not factiously inclin'd,
(And you, whose principle is to repair
VVhat is decay'd, with no worse Tools than prayer)
VVith Chrstian patience bear the Visitation
VVhich is allotted to this Generation;
And know, that as now Nature runs the race
By her designed, so shall also Grace
Pursue her course, to purge us in these fires,
For that perfection whereto Faith aspires.
Strive by renewing of your self-denials,
To bear with constancy your fiery trials,
Which must be undergone: for they appear
In shew more painful than in proof they are;
As their experience found, who in times past
Have into Babels Fornaces been cast,
When they were seven times heated; and as wee
May peradventure find, ere long 'twill be.
Be not afraid of your own sins; for they
On your repentance will be done away:
Nor be discouraged, though your Foes at large
Shall sum them up, and lay unto your charge
False imputations also: for, with ease
Both Saints and Reprobates of whom they please
The Vulgar make: and, if prophane men shall
Be Judges betwixt David and King Saul,
The sins of David might be made appear
As many and much greater than Sauls were;
And He, upon whose side GOD sentence gave,
Amongst most men, the least esteem would have.
But, GOD observ'd his heart; purg'd what did flow
From humane frailty, as he purgeth now
VVith sharp corrections, the late crying crimes
Of Saints prevaricating in these times.
The cruelties and falshoods of these times,
As ever; and will such continue still,
Till Truth and Errour, and till Good and Ill,
Have plaid their Masters-prize; to which intent
Their forces universally are bent
Against each other. From false hearts proceeds
Falshood in words, and wickedness in deeds;
And whilst we talk of Righteousness and Peace,
They, who concealed their maliciousness
VVith fair deportments do anew begin
So to declare what they have alwaies bin,
That, till it endeth in a Massacre,
No Vengeance will their projects terminate,
Or set a lasting period to their hate.
A bloodless Massacre here is already
Begun among us, and it will be bloody
VVhen you perceive admittance of those Strangers,
VVho first begun our plagues, renew our dangers;
And then, they who suppos'd their persons free,
VVill with the rest, in equal perils be:
For, boundless lustings, mischiefs will beget,
VVhich lye within the womb unheeded yet,
Where Sin and Death are twins conceiv'd together
Though born a little while before each other;
And, will in very ugly shapes be found
In many places, ere this year goes round;
Portended, and attended in strange wise,
VVith Omnious Events, and Prodigies.
Wee shall see Gown-men tread on Men of VVar,
High Courts of Justice called to the Bar;
Those, of whom no man lately stood in dread,
Arraign the Living, and condemn the Dead:
Make Martyrs, Saints and Reprobates of those
VVhose good or bad condition no man knows;
And act such things as never yet were done
VVithin this Clymate since the world begun.
Yet, heed this, you, who with a sober mind
Seek peace, and are not factiously inclin'd,
(And you, whose principle is to repair
VVhat is decay'd, with no worse Tools than prayer)
VVith Chrstian patience bear the Visitation
VVhich is allotted to this Generation;
And know, that as now Nature runs the race
By her designed, so shall also Grace
For that perfection whereto Faith aspires.
Strive by renewing of your self-denials,
To bear with constancy your fiery trials,
Which must be undergone: for they appear
In shew more painful than in proof they are;
As their experience found, who in times past
Have into Babels Fornaces been cast,
When they were seven times heated; and as wee
May peradventure find, ere long 'twill be.
Be not afraid of your own sins; for they
On your repentance will be done away:
Nor be discouraged, though your Foes at large
Shall sum them up, and lay unto your charge
False imputations also: for, with ease
Both Saints and Reprobates of whom they please
The Vulgar make: and, if prophane men shall
Be Judges betwixt David and King Saul,
The sins of David might be made appear
As many and much greater than Sauls were;
And He, upon whose side GOD sentence gave,
Amongst most men, the least esteem would have.
But, GOD observ'd his heart; purg'd what did flow
From humane frailty, as he purgeth now
VVith sharp corrections, the late crying crimes
Of Saints prevaricating in these times.
Miscellaneous works of George Wither | ||