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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia

containing the Charter as amended and re-enacted as a whole (approved March 14, 1908), the constitutional and legislative provisions of the state relating to cities, and the general ordinances of the city enacted as a whole August 6th, 1909, in effect September 1st, 1909

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Sec. 407. General control and government—by committee.

The standing Committee of the Council on Water and Sewers
shall have control and general government of the city's water
works and sewer system; shall authorize the employment of all
help and regulate their wages; the purchase of tools, implements
and other supplies, as may be necessary for carrying on the work
in this department, in accordance with section 12 of these ordinances.
They shall prescribe what mains and service pipes shall
be laid, what extensions and repairs are to be made, what taps
are to be made to mains and location of same.

Sec. 408. Annual reports—when and how made.

The committee shall at the regular meeting of the Council in
September of each year make a report and account for the preceding
year, showing the following:

a. Amount expended in construction, extension and permanent

b. Amount expended for salaries, labor, coal, pipe, fittings and
other items of current expense.

c. Amount of annual interest on the bonded indebtedness of
these departments.

d. Amount of receipts from sale of water and other sources.

e. Amount of water used for municipal and other purposes, its
value to be based on the lowest prevailing rate.

f. An inventory of all tools, pipe, fittings and other supplies,
stating their condition and value.

g. Also to impart to the Council such information in relation to
these departments as they may deem important.

Sec. 409. Superintendent—his election, term of office
and compensation.

There shall be elected by the Council at the time and in the


Page 207
manner prescribed for the election of other officers by the Council
a Superintendent for the Water and Sewer Department of the
city whose term of office shall be for two years (except in cases
of vacancy) and until his successor is elected and qualified—
unless sooner removed for cause, as provided for in these ordinances—and
before entering upon the duties of his office shall
give bond payable to the city of Charlottesville, with approved
security, conditioned in accordance to law for the faithful
performance of his duties, in amount specified in section 44. For
services rendered he shall be paid in monthly installments such
salary as may be fixed by the Council.

Sec. 410. Same—duties and powers.

The Superintendent, subject to the control of the committee,
shall have charge of all the property pertaining to the water and
sewer system and all fixtures and pipes connected therewith. He
shall carefully inspect all parts of the water works and sewer
system and have the same kept in good order, and in proper
operation, and the water furnished as pure and clear as practicable,
with promptness and regularity, to the city and to all persons
entitled to its use under the provisions hereinafter contained.

Sec. 411. Same—employment and control of help.

Subject to the consent of the committee, the Superintendent may
employ such help as may be necessary for carrying on the work
in this department, in all its details, in an economical and satisfactory
manner, and over all such employees he shall have absolute
control. He shall pay the employees such wages as are
usual and necessary in the opinion of the committee; but the pay
of no employee shall at any time be increased by the committee
in an amount exceeding $100 per annum without first having obtained
authority therefor from the City Council in due form.

Sec. 412. Same—pay rolls.

He shall also cause to be kept accurately the time of each employee
in his department, and make up pay rolls therefrom weekly,
giving their names, the kind of work performed, rate per day and
amount due each and made out so as to show what is chargeable
to current expenses, and what to construction. After first having
had such pay rolls approved and after having received a warrant


Page 208
on the Treasurer for the necessary amount of money, as provided
by the ordinances of the city, and in the manner prescribed in
the other departments of the city's work, he shall pay to each
employee whatever may be due him according to said pay roll.

Sec. 413. Same—to make purchases, etc.

Subject to the control of the committee, and in accordance with
the rules of the Council governing purchases for the city, the
Superintendent may purchase such materials, tools and other articles
at such times and in such quantities as may be necessary in
the operation of his departments.

Sec. 414. Same—when and how bills to be approved and

All bills for supplies or other items shall be paid monthly, unless
otherwise agreed, by a warrant of the Auditor drawn on the
Treasurer of the city; but, before any bills are paid, they shall
be certified to as correct by him and approved by the chairman
of his department.

Sec. 415. Same—books of record to be kept.

He shall cause to be entered in a book kept by him for that
purpose, a strict account of all expenditures in his departments,
properly classified showing whether expended for current expense
or construction account, and in such manner as may be prescribed
by the Auditor.

Sec. 416. Same—reports, quarterly and annual.

He shall render to the committee for the use of the Council a
quarterly report showing the expenditures in his department for
labor, pipe, fittings, tools, and other items; said statement of expenditures
to be verified by the Auditor and to agree with his
accounts before being submitted to the committee. He shall
on the first day of September in each year, or as soon thereafter
as practicable, submit to the committee for the use of the Council
an annual report which shall be a summary of his quarterly reports
for the previous year; said report shall be made out in
such manner as to show the operating expenses, properly classified,
and for construction in its several branches, together with
such recommendations for the improvement of the property and


Page 209
service as may appear to him expedient and necessary; together
with this report shall be filed an inventory of all tools and materials
on hand, stating their condition and value.

Sec. 417. Water—application for, how made.

Whenever any person, owning property along the line of any
water main, shall desire the introduction of water into his premises,
he shall make written application therefor to the Superintendent
of Water. Such application shall set forth the name of
the applicant, the location and description of the property into
which the water is to be introduced, the purpose for which the
water is to be used, and the name of the plumber who is to do
the work incident to the introduction of water into said premises.
The Superintendent of Water shall thereupon cause to be constructed,
at the expense of the city, a service pipe leading from
the said water main to the curb nearest said main where tap is
to be introduced. He shall then issue to such applicant a permit
for the plumber named in the application to make connection
with the said service pipe at the said curb. But all such connections
and all plumbing work incident to the introduction of
water into the said premises, shall conform in all respects to
the provisions of the chapter on plumbing.

Sec. 418. Size of connections.

The Superintendent of Water, in tapping the mains for service
pipes, shall not use pipe of greater diameter than three-fourth
inch, except when making connections for factories, hotels, etc.,
when he may use one inch, but in no case shall a service pipe be
installed larger than one inch without the consent of the Council.

Sec. 419. Same—when turned on.

When the connection with the service pipe has been completed,
the owner of the said premises to be supplied with water shall
make written application to the Superintendent of Water to have
water turned in to such connection. Such application shall set
forth the location and description of the property to be supplied
with water, the name of the applicant against whom the water
rates are to be assessed and the number and character of fixtures
to be served. Before the water is turned into said premises the


Page 210
Superintendent shall examine the plumbing and see that it has
been done in accordance with the requirement of the city laws,
and that the number and character of fixtures to be served with
water on the said premises have been properly set forth and
described in the said application. The Superintendent shall thereupon
assess the water rates to the next ensuing quarterly term
against the person making such application, and shall report the
same to the City Treasurer for collection. When such assessment
has been paid to the City Treasurer, the Superintendent,
upon exhibit to him of receipt therefor, shall forthwith cause the
water to be turned in to said premises.

Sec. 420. Wrongful connection—penalty for.

Any person who shall introduce, from the city water works,
water upon any premises except as provided in this chapter shall
be fined not less than $10 nor more than $50. Any person who
shall make any addition to, or alteration of, any fixtures on any
premises, except as provided in the chapter on plumbing, shall
be fined $10.

Sec. 421. Water—for what period furnished.

Water for other than building purposes shall never be furnished
for a less period than three months, except when applied
for after the beginning of the quarterly term, in which case the
assessment shall be for the remainder of the term.

Sec. 422. Same—charges for; how computed.

Persons using city water shall pay the proper assessment on
all fixtures connected with the city water pipes whether said
fixtures are used or not.

Sec. 423. Same—use of another's hydrant.

Persons residing beyond where any water pipe is laid desiring
the use of water from a hydrant upon the premises of another
person, must make application therefor to the Superintendent of
Water, filing with such application the written consent of such
person occupying such premises. The Superintendent shall then
assess the regular rates for the use of a hydrant against the person
so applying, and shall report such assessment to the City


Page 211
Treasurer, and when such assessment is paid said applicant may
use said hydrant.

Sec. 424. Water mains—where laid.

Water mains shall be laid in such streets, and shall be of such
size, and made in such manner, as the Council shall direct.

Sec. 425. Private hydrants—location.

No private hydrant shall be placed on any sidewalk or on any
street, or other exposed position where water may be taken therefrom
without detection.

Sec. 426. Meters—where used.

The Superintendent of Water shall, when requested by any
water user or when in his opinion it shall be advisable, locate and
attach a meter to the service pipe on the premises of such water
user; provided, when such meter is so located and attached at
the request of any water user, all the expense incident to such
location and attachment, including the cost of the meter, shall
be borne by such water user; when the location and attachment
of such water meter is made by the Superintendent upon his own
motion the expense thereof, including the cost of the meter, shall
be borne by the city. As soon as such water meter shall be
located and attached as herein provided, the Superintendent shall
assesss the water rates against the water user on such premises
according to the meter rates prescribed by the Council.

Sec. 427. Hand hose—use of; size, etc.

No person shall use a hand hose for sprinkling streets, washing
sidewalks, streets or gutters, or any other purpose, with a nozzle
exceeding one-fourth of an inch in diameter, or for any purpose
whatever unless same be held in hand.

Sec. 428. Water—fraudulent use, penalty.

If any consumer falsely represent the consumption of water,
or number and kinds of openings, or make other openings than
those reported to the Superintendent of Water, such person shall
be liable to a fine of $10.

Sec. 429. Same—fraudulent use, penalty.

Any occupant of premises, upon which water has been introduced,


Page 212
who shall permit water to be used, taken or received, by
any other person other than the said occupant or members or
visitors of his family, except as provided in this chapter, shall
be fined $5 for each offense, and the person so using, carrying or
receiving the water from said premises shall be fined a like sum,
provided that this shall not be construed so as to prevent any
person who has contracted for water on his own premises and
whose fixtures are out of order, from obtaining water from some
other person, with the consent of the person occupying said

Sec. 430. Water—how secured for building purposes.

No water shall be used for building purposes except under a
special permit from the Superintendent of Water, nor until the
person wishing to use it shall have paid to the Treasurer such
sum as the Superintendent of Water may designate as a fair
estimate of the value of the water which it is proposed to use,
according to the rates fixed by the city ordinances. But if, at
any time after granting of such license, the Superintendent of
Water shall consider that such estimate has been exceeded, no
more water shall be used for that purpose until a further estimate
has been made by the Superintendent and a new assessment
has been paid to the Treasurer by the party proposing to use the
water. Any one using the city water for building purposes, without
complying with this ordinance, whether such water be obtained
from a hydrant, pipe or other fixture, or from a street
gutter, shall be fined $5 for each day, or part of a day, he so

Sec. 431. Water rates—how fixed.

The Council shall from time to time fix the rates to be paid
for the use of water supplied from the city's water works.

Sec. 432. Same—how assessed.

The water rates as established by the Council shall be assessed
by the Superintendent against the person applying for water and
to whom and for whose use the same is supplied. All charges
connected with the water works of the city for which the owner
of property is responsible, shall be assessed by the Superintendent
against said owner. In both cases such assessments shall be


Page 213
reported to the City Treasurer whose duty it shall be to collect
the same as herein provided for.

Sec. 433. Same—when payable.

The water rates shall be payable quarterly in advance, unless
especially ordered otherwise by the Council. But where water
is furnished through a meter, then the rate shall be due and payable
on or before the tenth day of each calendar month unless
especially ordered otherwise by the Council.

Sec. 434. Same—where and to whom payable.

It shall be the duty of all persons against whom such water
rates are assessed, on the days on which they shall fall due, as
herebefore prescribed, to pay said assessment to the Treasurer
of the city at his office. The amount of said bill shall be paid
to the Treasurer on the day it is due, and if said assessments are
not paid on or before the 10th day of the calendar month in
which they are due, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to notify
the Supterintendent of such default, and the Superintendent shall
immediately shut the water off from the premises, as to which
default be made, and shall not turn the same on again until he
is notified by the Treasurer that said assessment has been paid,
including a fee of fifty cents to reimburse the city for the expense
of turning on the water. In the event of the 10th day of the
month falling on Sunday, the Treasurer is authorized to extend
the time of payment one day.

Sec. 435. Same—how erroneous assessments corrected.

The Superintendent of Water may at any time upon discovering
an error in an assessment against any water consumer, correct
the said assessment, and shall give notice thereof to the
Treasurer and Auditor, who shall duly note the same.

Sec. 436. Same—when water bills to be in hands of

The Superintendent shall cause all water bills to be in the
hands of the Auditor at least three days before the date on which
they are due, and it shall be the duty of the Auditor to charge
and deliver the same to the Treasurer immediately.


Page 214

Sec. 437. Same—treasurer to give notice of to consumers.

The Treasurer, upon receipt of the water bills, shall immediately
notify each consumer on a postal card of the amount due
the city, and notices shall be printed on said card that the same
is due and payable at the office of the Treasurer not later than
the 10th day of the month.

Sec. 438. Water fixtures—right of inspection.

Every person occupying any lot or tenement into which water
is conveyed under this chapter shall permit the Superintendent
of the Water Works, or his agent, or any authorized agent of
the city, to enter such lot or tenement, at seasonable hours, to
inspect the works therein or to see if the provisions of the law
have been violated. Any person refusing to do so, shall, for
each refusal, pay a fine of $5.

Sec. 439. Non-resident water takers.

The supply of water to persons outside of the corporate limits
shall be on the following conditions:

The application must be made to the Superintendent in the
manner prescribed for applicants in the city.

The assessment for water shall be 50 per centum over the
rates prescribed for the use of water in the city and to be paid
in like manner as prescribed for city consumers.

When permission is granted, the Superintendent shall require
non-residents to enter into and sign an agreement to be governed
by the ordinance concerning water works and such special regulations
as the city may from time to time prescribe.

All services installed for non-resident water takers shall be
paid for by the property owner for whom such connection is
made. The city will make the tap on main and furnish curb and
tapping cocks and stop box.

Sec. 440. Superintendent shall keep map of water mains
in office.

He shall keep in his office, subject to the inspection of the
public, a map, which it is the duty of the City Engineer to prepare,
showing the location, course and dimension of each water


Page 215
main in the city; and he shall promptly report to the City Engineer,
in writing, any change or extension of such pipe, and the
City Engineer shall note all such changes and extensions on said
map. When there is no City Engineer, then the Superintendent
shall note such extension.

Sec. 441. Waste of water, penalty.

When the owner or occupant of a lot or premises on which have
been erected or placed a hydrant, cock or other fixture to supply
water, shall permit the water to run from the hydrant, cock or
fixture, without proper care to prevent waste, or fail to keep his
water pipes or fixtures in good repair and protected from freezing,
there shall, in each case, be a fine on said owner or occupant
of not less than $1 nor more than $20; and in either case the
Superintendent shall stop the water from the tenement, and shall
not turn it on again until satisfactory assurance is given him that
the like will not happen again. It shall be the duty of each owner
or occupant of any lot or premises to notify the Superintendent
when his hydrant or other fixture is out of order and the water

Sec. 442. Two or more premises supplied by same tap.

In all cases where there are two or more premises supplied by
a single tap, and the fixtures are accessible to each, a like charge
for water shall be made for each of the premises having access
to the fixtures and the same charged against the agent or owner
of the premises upon which said fixtures exist, unless one tenant
assumes responsibility for the whole charge, or unless proper
enclosures or barriers are put up and maintained to prevent access
from others.

Sec. 443. Unauthorized persons turning on and off

No person, except the Superintendent or his authorized agent,
or a licensed plumber or his authorized agent, shall turn off or
turn on the water at any curb stop cock box, under a penalty of
not less than $5 nor more than $10.

Sec. 444. Waterworks—reservoirs, etc., injuries to;

If any person shall deface or injure any house, wall, cock,


Page 216
wheel, fire hydrant, or other fixtures connected with or pertaining
to the water works, or shall bathe in the reservoirs, or deposit
any offensive matter, or any stick, mud or rubbish in said
reservoirs, or place the carcass of any animal or other deleterious
substance on the watersheds or in any stream of said reservoirs,
or shall without lawful authority, climb over or get through the
enclosures of, hunt or fish in said reservoirs, or place any building
material, rubbish or other matter upon the stopcock of a
street main or service pipe, or obstruct access to any fixture connected
with the water works, or remove or injure any pipe, fire
hydrant, or cock, or open any of them so as to waste the water;
or if any person shall use the city water for a purpose for which
he has neither paid nor obtained a license to use it, every such
person shall for each offense pay a fine of not less than $5 nor
more than $20.

Sec. 445. Superintendent has powers of police.

The Superintendent of Water is especially charged with the
enforcement of the provisions of the ordinances contained in this
chapter, and for that purpose is clothed with all the powers and
functions of a policeman. It shall be his duty to bring to the
notice of the Police Justice every breach of said ordinance and
to prosecute the offender before the Police Justice.

Sec. 446. Police, sanitary officers and employees to give
information of waste.

It shall be the duty of every police and sanitary officer, and
every officer and employee of the Water Department aforesaid,
to give prompt and immediate information of any waste of the
water to the Superintendent, and to appear as a witness in every
such case, and any officer or employee neglecting so to do shall
be subject to instant dismissal by the proper authorities.

Sec. 447. Steam boilers—use of city water by.

Steam boilers, taking a supply of water directly from the service
pipe, depending upon the hydraulic or hydrostatic pressure
in the pipe system in the water works for supplying such boilers
under pressure, are required to have tanks erected that will contain
an ample supply of water for supplying such boiler or boilers
for at least ten hours, in case the water is cut off for necessary


Page 217
repairs or extensions, as the city will not be responsible for any
accidents or damages to which such devices are frequently

Sec. 448. Violations of provisions of this chapter; penalties.

Any person or persons who shall violate or fail to comply with
any of the foregoing rules or regulations, for the violation
or noncompliance with which a penalty has not herein been
provided shall, upon conviction before the Police Justice of the
city, forfeit and pay the sum of $5.

Sec. 449. Water—how furnished to non-residents.

No city water shall be furnished to any person outside of the
city limits other than those now being supplied or to those within
300 feet of the present main, unless the same shall be authorized
by the votes of three-fourths of the Council.

Sec. 450. Water rates, where not provided.

In any case not herein provided for, the water rent shall be at
such rates as may be fixed by the Superintendent of Water subject
to the approval of the Water Committee.

Sec. 451. Water rates.

The water rates for this city shall be as follows until otherwise
ordered by the City Council, the rates given in each instance
being the charge per annum, except where otherwise indicated:



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Page 219
Albemarle Court House and Clerk's Office  $ 25 00 
Albemarle County Jail  25 00 
Bakery  10 00 
Barroom, whether separate or run in connection with
store, hotel, etc. 
20 00 
Barber shop (each additional cock over one, $2.50)  10 00 
Baths for barber shops, hotels, etc. (additional, each $2.50)  10 00 
Baths for private house, only by the year  2 00 
Billiard saloon  10 00 
Blacksmith shop  5 00 
Boarding house  10 00 
Boiler, with engine, for each horse-power of engine  2 00 
Boiler, when used without engine  2 00 
Bottling works  25 00 
Bowling alley  10 00 
Bricklaying, per thousand  10 
Carpenter's shop  5 00 
Circus, each day (rate to be fixed by Superintendent of
Cows, in excess of one  2 00 
Drug stores  10 00 
If soda water be manufactured there shall be an additional
charge of 
8 00 
Dwelling house, when valued at $1,000 or less  5 00 
And an additional amount of 15 cents for each additional
$100 in assessed value of house and lot up to
(No fountain shall have a nozzle larger than ¼ of an inch.) 
Foundry  5 00 
Fountains  15 00 
Horse or mule, in excess of one  2 00 
Hotels, without water closets  40 00 
Laundry  Meter 
Livery stable  20 00 
(And 25 cents for each stall whether in use or not.) 
Machine shop  5 00 
Photograph gallery  10 00 
Planing mills, blind or sash factory  5 00 
Plastering, per hundred yards  30 
Printing office, either job or paper  5 00 
Railroads  Meter 
Restaurants  24 00 
School, boarding  Meter 
Soda fountain  8 00 
Stone or concrete work (rate to be fixed by Superintendent
of Water). 
Stores, banks and offices, not otherwise specially mentioned,
when only one cock is used 
5 00 
Stores, where spirits are sold by measure  10 00 
Theatre or public hall  10 00 
Urinals  3 00 
Warehouse  5 00 
Water closets (for a seat) only by the year  3 50 
Each additional closet  3 00 
Servant's closet  2 00 
Water closets in hotels and public places, first seat  8 00 
Additional seats, each  5 00 
Work shop  5 00 
Yard or street sprinklers, per year, or fractional part of
a year 
3 00 

Sec. 452. Meter rates.

Ice manufacturers  per 1,000 gallons 07 
Railroads, Chesapeake & Ohio (contract)  per 1,000 gallons 05 
Southern (contract)  per 1,000 gallons 05 
Char'ville & Albemarle (contract)  per 1,000 gallons 07 

If any of the above use less than 150,00 gallons per month, the
following rates shall apply:

All other consumers shall pay the following rates, with a minimum

From 1,000 to 10,000 gallons  20 cts. per thousand 
From 10,000 to 25,000 gallons  12 cts. per thousand 
From 25,000 to 50,000 gallons  10 cts. per thousand 
In excess of 50,000 gallons  8 cts. per thousand 




Page 220
Barrooms  $2 00 per month 
Barber shop, without fixtures  90 per month 
Barber shop with fixtures, bath tub and closet  1 20 per month 
Boarding house, with fixtures  1 50 per month 
Boarding house, without fixtures  1 20 per month 
Boilers, one to forty horse power  3 80 per month 
Boilers, over forty horse power  5 00 per month 
Bottling works  2 00 per month 
Confectionery and bakery combined  1 50 per month 
Confectionery  1 20 per month 
Drug stores  1 50 per month 
Hotel, with one water closet and one bath tub  5 00 per month 
Hotel with more than one closet and one bath  8 00 per month 
Laundry, without steam  1 50 per month 
Laundry, with steam  5 00 per month 
Livery stable  2 00 per month 
Photograph gallery  1 20 per month 
Restaurant  2 00 per month 
Residence, without closet and bath tub  50 per month 
Residence, with one closet and one bath tub  90 per month 
Residence, with more than one closet and one
bath tub 
1 20 per month 
Store, without closet  50 per month 
Store, with one closet  70 per month 
Store, with more than one closet  90 per month 
Store, where liquor is sold  1 20 per month 

Consumer outside city limits, 50 per centum additional.

If any water meter shall fail to register, the charge shall be
estimated from the three preceding months.