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Original journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition, 1804-1806

printed from the original manuscripts in the library of the American Philosophical Society and by direction of its committee on historical documents
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3rd of February Sunday 1805.[17]

a fine day; the blacksmith again commences his opperations.
we were visited by but few of the natives today. the
situation of our boat and perogues is now allarming, they are
firmly inclosed in the Ice and almost covered with snow— the
ice which incloses them lyes in several stratas of unequal thicknesses
which are seperated by streams of water. this [is]
peculiarly unfortunate because so soon as we cut through the
first strata of ice the water rushes up and rises as high as the
upper surface of the ice and thus creates such a debth of water
as renders it impracticable to cut away the lower strata which
appears firmly attatched to, and confining the bottom of the
vessels. the instruments we have hitherto used has been the
ax only, with which, we have made several attempts that
proved unsuccessfull from the cause above mentioned. we
then determined to attempt freeing them from the ice by
means of boiling water which we purposed heating in the
vessels by means of hot stones, but this expedient proved also
fruitless, as every species of stone which we could procure in
the neighbourhood partook so much of the calcarious genus
that they burst into small particles on being exposed to the
heat of the fire. we now determined as the dernier resort to
prepare a parsel of Iron spikes and attatch them to the end of
small poles of convenient length and endeavour by means
of them to free the vessels from the ice. we have already
prepared a large rope of Elk-skin and a windless by means of
which we have no doubt of being able to draw the boat on the
bank provided we can free [it] from the ice.


From this point to the 13th of February, the journal is written by Lewis, during
Clark's absence on a hunting expedition (Feb. 4–12). This is the only hiatus in
Clark's regular journalizing, throughout the entire expedition; but under date of February
13th, pp. 259–261, post, after his return, he gives a brief summary of the events
of each day during his trip, so that his record is practically complete.—Ed.