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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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[Like twa fell flesher Tikes inurd to Quarrell]

Like twa fell flesher Tikes inurd to Quarrell
with horid din about a bane they snarle
Straight rise their bristly furs red glow their Een
up curl their snouts & all their teeth are seen
enragd they make th'attack with Widend Jaws
and tear each other with sharp tusks & claws
Thus but oer aften trifles Raises Strife
which never ends but with some foolish Life
Like as the hungry Gled with hasty fleight
doups doun & puts the powtrie in a fright
while some illfated wandring bird must fa
with ruefull cheeps in his dead griping Claw
oer late it then its last portyoul may sing
that left the safegard of kind Japoks wing


Like a robd fox that sees the Eagle rise
and bear his yet Blind Cub up towards the Skys
Lang may he Gove and bootles youl & yelp
while to his nest Jove's Bird conveys the whelp
To his mid Region fort the Prey he brings
whilk Lowrie ne'er can Rescew without wings
So have I seen a craft[y] cat oft Play

(MS breaks off here)