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A leading young business man of Roanoke is Walter
R. Hancock, junior member of the well-known firm of
Bush & Hancock, clothiers and gents' furnishers.

Mr. Hancock was
illustration born in Franklin
County, Virginia, March
30th, 1872, and is a son
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H.
Hancock. He came
to Roanoke in 1884 and
resided here until 1898,
when he went to Bluefield,
West Virginia. He
remained in the West
Virginia city until 1905,
at which time he returned
to Roanoke, and
has since been actively
engaged in mercantile
pursuits. He purchased
the Clothing Establishment
of the Warren
Wellford Company,
and a few months later formed a partnership with
Charles G. Bush, doing business under the firm name of
Bush & Hancock. This firm located at No. 18 Campbell
Avenue, carries a full and complete line of clothing,
hats, and gents' furnishings. They handle the product
of the world's best manufacturers and therefore cater
to the leading trade of this city and section.

Mr. Hancock was united in marriage to Miss Annie
Melville Gwaltney in 1897 and as a result of that union
they have three interesting children, aged respectively,
eleven, seven, and two.

Mr. Hancock descends from a splendid old Virginia
family, and his friends in this city and section are
legion, among all classes. He is a wide-awake, progressive
citizen of Roanoke, one who believes in pushing
the city to the front and with that object in view is
always ready to aid any worthy enterprise.

Mr. Hancock, resides with his family at No. 508
Thirteenth Avenue, Southwest.