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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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collapse section10. 
Sec. 10-2. Same—Powers and duties generally.
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expand section36. 

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Sec. 10-2. Same—Powers and duties generally.

The city electrician shall be charged with the duty of enforcing
the laws of the city relating to electricity. He shall
also perform such other duties as the city manager may assign
to him.

He shall inspect all buildings in the course of erection,
alteration or repair for the purpose of seeing that the laws
and ordinances covering electrical work are complied with.

Upon being notified by an electrical contractor engaged in
work for which he has received a permit, the city electrician
shall promptly examine such work and shall approve or condemn
it, ordering the removal of any defective or illegal material
or any electrical work failing to comply with the provisions
of this chapter.


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The city electrician or his authorized assistant shall issue
all permits for electrical work and issue the required approval
certificate upon the satisfactory completion of such work.

The city electrician shall have general supervision of all
electrical lights used for city purposes and it shall be his duty
to require any person furnishing electricity to the city under
contract to comply with its terms, and in the event of failure
to do so, he shall report such failure to the city manager.

The city electrician shall be charged with the upkeep and
maintenance in good working order of the electric fire alarm
and traffic systems. He or his representative shall attend all
fire alarms, reporting to the person or officer in command at
the scene of the fire, and shall be empowered to require the
electrical utility company to remove all lines and turn off all
current where the circuits interfere with the work of the fire
department, or are liable to injure life or property, and shall
supervise such work by the electrical utility company.

The city electrician shall direct, regulate and determine the
placing, operation and maintenance of electric wires and other
appliances for light, heat or power and he shall cause all such
wires or appliances to be so placed, constructed, guarded and
insulated that they will not cause injury to life or property.

The city electrician shall have special charge of the enforcement
of all ordinances relating to electricity and the use
thereof in the streets of the city, parks or other public places.
He shall report to the city manager any person violating any
of the provisions of this Code relative to electricity.

The city electrician shall also examine electrical wiring and
apparatus in existing buildings when so requested in writing
by any citizen or when he may deem it in the public interest.
If the city electrician shall find, after examination, that the
electrical wiring or apparatus is in a condition so as to endanger
life or property, he shall cause the current to the
building to be cut off, unless the defective conditions are
immediately remedied in accordance with his directions.
(Code 1959, § 10-2.)