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The code of the city of Charlottesville, Virginia, 1965 :

the charter and the general ordinances of the city

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Electrical Code.[124]

§ 10-1. City electrician—Appointment; compensation; bond.

§ 10-2. Same—Powers and duties generally.

§ 10-3. Same—Not to engage in electrical business.

§ 10-4. Same—Right of entry; obstructing.

§ 10-5. Registered electrician only may make installations, etc.;

§ 10-6. Electrical contractors — License and registration required;
examination; fee.

§ 10-7. Same—Bond required.

§ 10-8. Same — Liability for damages resulting from violation of

§ 10-9. Registration of electricians; type of work authorized.

§ 10-10. Individual permits for installations or alterations—Form and
content of application; issuance.

§ 10-11. Same—For others than employees.

§ 10-12. Same—Upon undertaking work started by another.

§ 10-13. Same—Fees.

§ 10-14. Annual permit for installation, etc., on applicant's premises.

§ 10-15. Inspections—When required; uncovering concealed work.

§ 10-16. Same—Notice to city electrican; certificate of approval; connection


Page 154

§ 10-17. Same—Additional inspections.

§ 10-18. Temporary installations and wiring.

§ 10-19. Requirements for installations generally; conformity with
National Electrical Code.

§ 10-20. Standards for air conditioning installation.

§ 10-21. Rigid metal conduit; metallic tubing or armored metal cable;
surface metal raceways.

§ 10-22. Service entrance requirements.

§ 10-23. Wiring in existing buildings.

§ 10-24. Installation of radio and television antennas.

§ 10-25. Materials and appliances to be approved.

§ 10-26. Selling unapproved appliances, etc.

§ 10-27. Trademarks, identification, etc., of materials, equipment, etc.

§ 10-28. Dead wires; unsafe poles, wires, etc.

§ 10-29. Identification of utility poles.

§ 10-30. Electrical construction in streets, etc.

§ 10-31. Use of poles for city wires.

§ 10-32. Electrical board.

Sec. 10-1. City electrician — Appointment; compensation;

A city electrician shall be appointed by the city manager
subject to the approval of the city council. He shall receive
such compensation as the city council, on the recommendation
of the city manager, may fix, payable in equal monthly installments.
The city electrician shall give bond in such amount
as the city council may deem necessary. (Code 1959, § 10-1.)

Sec. 10-2. Same—Powers and duties generally.

The city electrician shall be charged with the duty of enforcing
the laws of the city relating to electricity. He shall
also perform such other duties as the city manager may assign
to him.

He shall inspect all buildings in the course of erection,
alteration or repair for the purpose of seeing that the laws
and ordinances covering electrical work are complied with.

Upon being notified by an electrical contractor engaged in
work for which he has received a permit, the city electrician
shall promptly examine such work and shall approve or condemn
it, ordering the removal of any defective or illegal material
or any electrical work failing to comply with the provisions
of this chapter.


Page 155

The city electrician or his authorized assistant shall issue
all permits for electrical work and issue the required approval
certificate upon the satisfactory completion of such work.

The city electrician shall have general supervision of all
electrical lights used for city purposes and it shall be his duty
to require any person furnishing electricity to the city under
contract to comply with its terms, and in the event of failure
to do so, he shall report such failure to the city manager.

The city electrician shall be charged with the upkeep and
maintenance in good working order of the electric fire alarm
and traffic systems. He or his representative shall attend all
fire alarms, reporting to the person or officer in command at
the scene of the fire, and shall be empowered to require the
electrical utility company to remove all lines and turn off all
current where the circuits interfere with the work of the fire
department, or are liable to injure life or property, and shall
supervise such work by the electrical utility company.

The city electrician shall direct, regulate and determine the
placing, operation and maintenance of electric wires and other
appliances for light, heat or power and he shall cause all such
wires or appliances to be so placed, constructed, guarded and
insulated that they will not cause injury to life or property.

The city electrician shall have special charge of the enforcement
of all ordinances relating to electricity and the use
thereof in the streets of the city, parks or other public places.
He shall report to the city manager any person violating any
of the provisions of this Code relative to electricity.

The city electrician shall also examine electrical wiring and
apparatus in existing buildings when so requested in writing
by any citizen or when he may deem it in the public interest.
If the city electrician shall find, after examination, that the
electrical wiring or apparatus is in a condition so as to endanger
life or property, he shall cause the current to the
building to be cut off, unless the defective conditions are
immediately remedied in accordance with his directions.
(Code 1959, § 10-2.)

Sec. 10-3. Same—Not to engage in electrical business.

The city electrician shall not engage in the electrical business
or any other business pertaining thereto or be interested,
either directly or indirectly, in any firm or corporation


Page 156
engaged in such lines of business during his term of office.
(Code 1959, § 10-3.)

Sec. 10-4. Same—Right of entry; obstructing.

The city electrician or his duly authorized representative is
hereby authorized and empowered to enter upon any building
or premises in the city for the purpose of seeing that the
laws, rules and regulations in regard to electrical installations
are complied with. Any person preventing the city electrician
or his duly authorized representative from entering
any building or premises in the performance of his official
duties or obstructing or hindering him in the performance
of such duties shall be punished as provided in section 1-5.
(Code 1959, § 10-4.)

Sec. 10-5. Registered electrician only may make installations,
etc.; helpers.

Only a registered electrician shall be allowed to make any
electrical installations or alterations (except radio and antenna
as provided in section 10-26); provided, that each registered
electrician actually engaged in performing electrical
work may have one or more helpers or apprentices directly
under his supervision. (Code 1959, § 10-5.)

Sec. 10-6. Electrical contractors—License and registration required;
examination; fee.

No person shall be licensed to make installations of electrical
systems for the general public or be engaged in the
electrical business, unless such person has been examined as
set forth below, and has had at least three years' apprenticeship
in the electrical trade, or, if a firm or corporation, unless
such firm or corporation has in its employ and in charge of its
electrical work a person who has been trained as aforesaid.
Any person about to engage in the electrical business or
the installation of electrical systems in the city shall first
be licensed as required by the license laws of the city. Before
such license shall be issued by the commissioner of revenue,
the applicant shall exhibit a certificate of registration, issued
by the city electrical board, which shall show that


Page 157
such person has had at least three years' apprenticeship in the
electrical trade, has successfully passed a written examination
as to his knowledge of standard electrical practices based on
the provisions of this chapter and the current National Electrical
Code and has executed the bond required by section
10-7. Such certificate of registration shall be sufficient proof
that the applicant has been duly qualified to engage in the
electrical business as required by this chapter. A fee of ten
dollars shall be paid for such examination and the issuance of
the certificate, independent of the city license tax. The fee
shall be paid in advance of the examination. (Code 1959, §
10-6; 3-20-61.)

Sec. 10-7. Same—Bond required.

Each person engaged in the electrical business shall enter
into a bond with corporate security satisfactory to the city
manager, in the penalty of five thousand dollars, to indemnify
and save harmless the city, its citizens, residents and property
owners against any and all loss by reason of his failure
to comply with the requirements of this chapter or for neglect
or carelessness in his work, and conditioned further that
should any such work be defective or incomplete and should
such person fail to correct the same within the time specified
by the city electrician on forms provided for this purpose, the
city manager may have such work corrected or completed and
the cost thereof, as well as all the costs or expenses incurred
in collecting the same, may be recovered on the bond.

Such bond shall be renewed annually and filed with the city
electrician on or before the first day of May of each year.

The increase in the sum of the bond shall apply to bonds required
to be filed on or before May 1, 1973. (Code 1959, § 10-7;

Sec. 10-8. Same—Liability for damages resulting from violation
of chapter.

Every person engaged in the electrical business shall make
good all damages arising by reason of any violation of this


Page 158
chapter. Work improperly done and not corrected as required
by the city electrician may be corrected by the city manager
and the cost thereof and twenty per cent additional collected
from such person. Any such violation shall subject such person
to punishment as provided in section 1-5 and to revocation
of his license to do business. (Code 1959, § 10-8.)

Sec. 10-9. Registration of electricians; type of work authorized.

A person not registered as an electrical contractor under
sections 10-6 to 10-8 who has had at least two years' apprenticeship
in the electrical trade and has successfully passed an
examination, either oral or written, as to his knowledge of
standard electrical practices, based on the provisions of this
chapter and the latest edition of the National Electrical Code,
may be registered as an electrician. Such registered electrician
may do electrical work as follows:

(1) Under the supervision of a registered electrical contractor,

(2) On the premises of a person by whom he is regularly
employed as an electrician, and who has secured a permit
upon application to the city electrician to have electrical work
done by a regularly employed registered electrician, or

(3) Such registered electrician employed on a full-time
basis by a dealer in electrical appliances may install and connect
such appliances to suitable outlets installed by an electrical

A fee of two dollars and fifty cents shall be paid for such
examination and for the issuance of such certificate. (Code
1959, § 10-9.)

Sec. 10-10. Individual permits for installations or alterations
—Form and content of application; issuance.

No alterations or installations of electrical wiring or any
type of electrical appliance or fixture shall be made without
first obtaining a permit therefor. An application for such


Page 158.1
permit shall be made to the city electrician on forms prescribed
by him. Such application shall be accompanied by
such sketches and other information as may be required by
the city manager to enable the city officials to determine
whether or not such proposed work is in conformity with the
provisions of this chapter. Upon the approval of such application
the city electrician shall issue a written permit for
such work. (Code 1959, § 10-10.)

Sec. 10-11. Same—For others than employees.

It shall be unlawful for any electrical contractor to take out

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permits for any person not in his employ. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 10-12. Same — Upon undertaking work started by

Any electrical contractor taking a job which has been
started by another shall take out a new permit for such work
and shall be responsible for the entire work. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 10-13. Same—Fees.

The following fees shall be paid to the city for each permit
issued by the city electrician for the installation or alteration
of wiring, except as provided in section 10-21, within the city,
and the receipt of these fees shall be endorsed on the application
by the city electrician:

Estimated Cost

Minimum  Maximum  Permit Fee 
$ 1.00  $ 15.00  $ 1.00 
15.01  50.00  2.00 
50.01  75.00  3.00 
75.01  100.00  4.00 
100.01  150.00  6.00 
150.01  200.00  8.00 
200.01  250.00  10.00 
250.01  300.00  12.00 
300.01  400.00  15.00 
400.01  500.00  18.00 
500.01  1,000.00  20.00 
1,000.01  2,000.00  25.00 
2,000.01  3,000.00  30.00 
3,000.01  4,000.00  35.00 
4,000.01  5,000.00  40.00 

When the estimated cost exceeds five thousand dollars, the
permit fee shall be forty dollars, plus two dollars for each
additional one thousand dollars or fraction thereof, but in no
event exceeding five hundred dollars.


Page 160

The estimated cost shall include labor and material involved
in the installation, or replacement of all electric wires, cords,
cables, raceways, busways, boxes, cabinets, gutters, troughs,
fittings, switches, devices, circuit breakers, controllers, relays;
signal, time, temperature and communication equipment;
overcurrent devices, receptacles, lampholders; lighting fixtures,
fittings and accessories; panelboards, switchboards,
switchgear, transformers, batteries, resistors, reactors, rectifiers,
control and distribution centers; light posts and standards,
poles and accessories and other nonelectrical materials
used in conjunction therewith; but shall exclude the cost of
labor and materials involved in the installation or replacement
of appliances, motors, generators, machinery and similar

All such electrical permits shall be issued upon payment of
a fee based on the estimated total physical value as hereinabove
set forth. Upon completion of the work for which such
a permit is issued, an accurate statement of the actual cost
thereof shall be furnished to the city electrician by the party
to whom the permit was issued; and thereupon adjustment of
the difference between the fee properly chargeable, based on
the actual cost, and the fee paid, based on the estimated total
physical value, shall be made. If the actual cost exceeds the
estimated cost, the party to whom the permit was issued shall
pay the difference in fee; if the actual cost be less than the
estimated cost, then the director of finance is hereby authorized,
upon request of the city electrician to refund to the
party, by whom the estimated fee was paid, such portion
thereof as constitutes an overpayment. (Code 1959, § 10-13;
12-20-48; 2-6-61.)

Sec. 10-14. Annual permit for installation, etc., on applicant's

In lieu of an individual permit for each installation or
alteration, an annual permit shall, upon application therefor,
be issued to any person regularly employing one or more
electricians for the installation, alteration and maintenance
of electrical equipment in or on buildings or premises owned
or occupied by the applicant for the permit. The application
for this annual permit shall be made in writing to the electrical


Page 161
inspector and shall contain a description of the premises
on which work is to be done under the permit.

The person to whom an annual permit is issued shall keep
a record of all electrical equipment installed under such permit,
and the electrical inspector shall have access to such
records. Each annual permit shall expire on the thirty-first
day of December of the year in which it was issued.

No fee shall be required for an annual permit, but upon
inspection by the city electrician of the work done thereunder,
the holder of such annual permit shall pay the fees which
would have been payable for the issuance of individual permits
for each item of work done. (Code 1959, § 10-14.)

Sec. 10-15. Inspections — When required; uncovering concealed

All electrical work for which a permit is issued under the
provisions of this chapter shall be inspected by the city electrician
at such stages in the process of the work as he may
consider necessary in order to determine whether or not the
provisions of this chapter have been fulfilled. In the course
of such inspections, the city electrician shall be empowered
to demand that any uninspected electrical work, which may
have become concealed in the further construction on the
given project, be uncovered and any obstructions moved in
order to allow a careful examination of the work. (Code 1959,
§ 10-15.)

Sec. 10-16. Same—Notice to city electrician; certificate of approval;
connection certificate.

Upon the completion of the work covered by a given permit,
the person doing the same shall notify the city electrician,
who in turn shall make a final inspection of the work
within thirty-six hours thereafter, and shall issue a certificate
of approval on the same if the work is satisfactorily
completed. In case the permit calls for a lighting or power
service, the city electrician shall certify to the person selling
power that the work has passed a satisfactory inspection.
Such certification shall be made in writing on a "connection
certificate" form provided therefor. In no case shall a lighting
or power service be connected until the proper inspection


Page 162
has been made and a "connection certificate" issued, unless
the city electrician grants at his discretion a temporary service
connection which shall be disconnected on the verbal request
of the city electrician. In case of the refusal of the city
electrician to issue the certificates as set forth above, complaint
may be made to the city manager and his decision shall
be deemed final in the matter. (Code 1959, § 10-16.)

Sec. 10-17. Same—Additional inspections.

When additional inspections are necessary due to the failure
of the holder of a permit to properly install electrical
work, or for improper notice of completion on a job, an additional
fee of one dollar for each such inspection may be
charged at the discretion of the city manager. (Code 1959, §

Sec. 10-18. Temporary installations and wiring.

The installation of an electrical appliance for sales purposes
only shall be deemed a temporary installation of the
appliance. No inspection or fee shall be required but the
person making the temporary installation shall notify the
city electrician of the same. After a period not greater than
ten days, the city electrician shall require that the appliance
be either disconnected or permanently wired and installed,
the necessary permits obtained and the proper inspection

Temporary or decorative wiring for show windows, exhibitions,
conventions, circuses, carnivals, entertainments, etc.,
may be made. The term of such temporary wiring shall not
be greater than ten days, except upon written approval of the
city manager. A regular inspection shall be required on such
temporary wiring, and a fee of one half the regular rate as
set forth in section 10-13 shall be charged. (Code 1959, § 1018.)

Sec. 10-19. Requirements for installations generally; conformity
with National Electrical Code.

All installations of electrical wiring or any type of electrical
appliance or fixture shall be made in accordance with the
most approved methods of electrical construction with due


Page 163
regard to the safety of life and property and in a most workmanlike

Where no specific standards are prescribed by this chapter
or by the statutes of the state or by any orders, rules or regulations
issued by authority thereof, conformity with the regulations
set forth in the most recent edition of the National
Electrical Code, as approved by American Standards Association,
shall be prima facie evidence of conformity with approved
standards for safety to persons and property. (Code
1959, §§ 10-19, 10-20.)

Sec. 10-20. Standards for air conditioning installation.

All air conditioning units shall be plugged into wall-type
receptacle outlets or directly connected with the service line.

All air conditioning units rated above seven and one-half
amperes shall be connected to a separate electrical circuit
which shall use conductors at least as large as No. 12. Any
air conditioning unit rated at seven and one-half amperes or
less may be connected to a circuit carrying other loads; provided,
a circuit breaker or type "S" fusestat of proper size is
installed to protect the conductors of the circuit. (Code 1959,
§ 10-21; 5-6-68.)

Sec. 10-21. Rigid metal conduit, metallic tubing or armored
metal cable; surface metal raceways.

All installations of electrical wiring in buildings to be used
for industrial or commercial purposes, public use, and churches
shall be installed in rigid metal conduit or electrical metallic
tubing. All installations of electrical wiring in all other buildings,
including multiple family dwellings, shall be installed in
rigid metal conduit, electrical metallic tubing or may be wired
in armored cable or nonmetallic sheathed cable with grounding
conductor. Electrical wiring with voltage not exceeding
fifty volts between conductors may be installed in any building
without the use of conduit or tubing.

Where flexibility is required for connections, flexible metallic
conduits may be permitted in lengths not to exceed four feet.

The city electrician may authorize the use of surface metal
raceway for the extension of existing electrical wiring. (Code
1959, § 10-23; 2-6-61; 3-19-62; 5-6-68; 7-31-69.)


Page 164

Sec. 10-22. Service entrance requirements.

All new buildings and all old buildings being rewired in the
city shall be equipped with a rigid conduit service; provided,
that those buildings used for single and multiple dwelling purposes
may be equipped with service entrance cable if the cable
meets all of the requirements of the National Electrical Code
and Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., and if it is supported by
approved service cable straps placed at intervals not exceeding
twenty-four inches apart and within twelve inches of the
weatherhead and meter socket.

When any new electrical wiring, fixtures or outlets are
added in any existing building or dwelling unit in order to
meet the standards set forth in chapter 15.1 of the Code of the
City of Charlottesville, or for any other purpose, the incoming
electrical services that will be used to serve such building or
dwelling unit must be sized to conform to the requirements of
the most recent edition of the National Electrical Code and
this chapter, even if it is necessary to install one or more new
services. (Code 1959, § 10-25; 3-17-69; 7-31-69.)

Sec. 10-23. Wiring in existing buildings.

All existing buildings or dwelling units being completely
rewired and all wiring in newly created dwelling units in
existing buildings shall comply with the requirements of the
most recent edition of the National Electrical Code and this
chapter. (Code 1959, § 10-25; 3-17-69.)

Sec. 10-24. Installation of radio and television antennas.

All radio and television antennas shall be installed in conformity
with the regulations set forth in the National Electrical
Code, as approved by the American Standards Association.
(Code 1959, § 10-26; 2-6-61.)


Page 164.1

Sec. 10-25. Materials and appliances to be approved.

All electrical materials, devices, appliances and equipment
hereafter sold or installed in the city shall conform with the
most recent standards of the Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc.,
as indicated by lists of inspected electrical appliances; provided,
that such standards shall not apply to material and
equipment owned, installed and maintained on private property

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by the Virginia Electric and Power Company. (Code
1959, § 10-27; 2-6-61; 12-7-64.)

Sec. 10-26. Selling unapproved appliances, etc.

Every person, before selling, offering for sale or exposing
for sale at retail any electrical material, device or equipment,
shall first determine if such electrical material, device or
equipment complies with the provisions of this chapter and
is approved for sale, installation and use in the city. It shall
be unlawful for any person, or any principal, agent or employee
thereof, to sell, offer for sale or expose for sale at retail
any such electrical material, device or equipment which is
not approved for sale, installation and use in the city. (Code
1959, § 10-28.)

Sec. 10-27. Trademarks, identification, etc., of materials,
equipment, etc.

All electrical materials, devices and equipment which are
sold, offered for sale or exposed for sale at retail shall have
the maker's name, trademark or other identification symbol
placed thereon, together with such other markings, giving
voltage, current, wattage or other appropriate ratings as may
be necessary to determine the character of the material, device
or equipment and the use for which it is intended. It
shall be unlawful for any person to remove, alter, change or
deface the maker's name, trademark or other identification
symbol, or any of the necessary rating markings required by
this chapter. (Code 1959, § 10-30.)

Sec. 10-28. Dead wires; unsafe poles, wires, etc.

No person shall maintain or permit "dead wires" to remain
on his poles in or over the streets nor shall any person erect
or maintain any unsafe, unsuitable or improperly located pole
that is not in accordance with the provisions of the city ordinances
nor shall any person construct or maintain in or over
the streets of the city any unsafe, unsuitable or improperly
located crossbars or any defective or improperly installed or
located wires or electrical apparatus. (Code 1959, § 10-31.)


Page 166

Sec. 10-29. Identification of utility poles.

All utility poles erected in the city shall be stenciled, painted
or branded with the owner's name or initials, approximately
six feet from the ground. (Code 1959, § 10-32; 2-6-61.)

Sec. 10-30. Electrical construction in streets, etc.

No electrical conductors, wires, conduits, poles, lamps or
other electrical devices or fixture shall be constructed,
erected, strung, laid, maintained, changed or altered above,
below or in any street, park or public place in any part of
the city nor shall any extension of the electrical conductors
either overhead or underground be made without the written
consent of the city electrician; provided, that for any work
contemplated which will require any disturbance of the streets
or excavations in them or the placing of any obstruction in the
streets, such permit from the city electrician shall be approved
by the city manager.

In every case of refusal of a permit by the city electrician,
the person who has been refused such permit may make application
to the city manager for the permit and the city
manager's decision shall be final. (Code 1959, § 10-33.)

Sec. 10-31. Use of poles for city wires.

A safe zone on every pole shall at all times be reserved for
the free use of the city in stringing its fire alarm or communication
wires and no person shall run any wire within less
than twenty-two inches of them. Whenever it becomes necessary
to move the city wires for any reason, the person for
whose benefit they are moved shall, at his expense, provide
for them a safe place and shall notify the city electrician,
who shall supervise and direct the moving of such city wires.
(Code 1959, § 10-34.)

Sec. 10-32. Electrical board.

There shall be an electrical board, consisting of the city
engineer, the city electrician and two registered electrical
contractors appointed by the city manager. The electrical contractors
shall serve for terms of two years or until their successors
are appointed or until one or both are reappointed.


Page 167
The board shall select its own chairman. Three members of
the board shall constitute a quorum. Meetings shall be held
at the call of the chairman after at least two hours' notice
to each member. The members of the board shall serve without
pay. The board shall examine applicants for registration,
as provided by section 10-6, and grant registration to successful
applicants. From time to time, the board shall make recommendations
to the city council with respect to changes considered
desirable by the board in this Code or other ordinances
of the city affecting electrical work. (3-20-61.)


As to inspection, etc., of poles and wires by city manager, see §
2-81 of this Code. As to applicability of electrical regulations to trailer
courts, see § 33-9.