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Charles M. Armes, the subject of this sketch, was
born in Charlotte County, Virginia, March 6th, 1866.
As a boy he attended the local schools and early in
illustration life entered the mercantile
business in his
native county.

In 1891 he located in
Roanoke, first becoming
identified with the
Roanoke Grocery and
Milling Company, remaining
with this concern
seven years, then
for a period of several
years was connected
with the hardware firm
of Price-Armes & Company,
the name of which
was later changed to the
Roanoke Hardware

Mr. Armes entered
the real estate and insurance
business in 1902 and later organized the Columbia
Trust Company, the capital of which is now
$102,500. This company conducts a real estate loan
business with Mr. Armes as Secretary, Treasurer and

He is actively identified with several real estate
and building companies in the city, one of which is
now erecting the "Jefferson Apartments," the most
modern apartment house in this section of the country,
and is also interested in several of the business institutions
of the city.

He is an active member of the Chamber of Commerce
and is Secretary of the Roanoke Automobile
Association and in that connection has manifested a
most active interest in the building of good roads.
He was one of the prime movers in securing for Roanoke
the National Highway. He is a member of the
Country Club and the Elks Club.

On July 3d, 1889, he married Miss Belle Norman,
a daughter of James C. Norman, of Mount Airy,
North Carolina.