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[Every charitable deed]

I was an hungred, and ye gave Me meat. —xxv. 35.

Every charitable deed
Is then accounted good,
When it freely doth proceed
From faith in Jesus' blood:
All our works which flow from love
He owns as done unto the Lord,
With His smile vouchsafes to' approve,
And with His heaven reward.
Mercy's outward works who show
Their recompence receive:
Shall they unrewarded go,
Who needy souls relieve?
Those who ministering His grace
Supply the' immortal spirit's wants,
Labour for the sin-sick race,
And sinners turn to saints!


This till Christ pronounce me bless'd,
My whole employment be,
Still to succour the distress'd
In whom my Lord I see;
Strangers without clothes or food,
Into my house and heart to take,
Share the sickly prisoner's load
For my Redeemer's sake.
But I more than all would know
Afflicted souls to ease,
Grieved at every shape of woe
And spiritual distress,
Seek with sympathising care,
And kindly tend the sick of sin,
Feed the poor and clothe the bare,
And bring the wanderer in.
Joyful news I would proclaim
To spirits in prison bound,
Tell them, freedom through Thy name
And in Thy blood is found:
Jesus Thy compassion give,
And touch'd with sinners' misery,
All I shall assist, relieve,
By sending all to Thee.
For a moment's labour here
And by Thy Spirit done,
When Thou dost as Judge appear,
Thou wilt Thy servant own,
With the heavenly manna feed,
Bid me on Thy fulness feast,
Drinking at the fountain-head,
And lodging in Thy breast.