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Isaac Ernest Boone, first Vice President and Sales
Manager of the Thurman & Boone Company, Incorporated,
was born in Franklin County, Virginia,
March 10th, 1864, and
illustration is a son of the late Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac H.
Boone. He attended
the public schools of his
native county, Roanoke
City, and the National
Normal University at
Lebanon, Ohio. Mr.
Boone came to Roanoke
in 1880, and after
attending school two
sessions, accepted a
position with Bower &
Company. He left this
firm and accepted
a position with a retail
grocery concern at an
increase in salary and
remained with them
until 1884, when he accepted a position with E. H.
Stewart & Company, furniture dealers and with the
exception of one year, while he was in Ohio at school,
Mr. Boone remained with this firm for a period of
fourteen years. In December, 1891, the concern was
incorporated under the firm name of the E. H. Stewart
Furniture Company with Mr. Boone as Vice President
and General Manager. In 1898 the firm of Lowe &
Boone was established and successfully operated for
five years, after which time Mr. Boone associated
himself with Overstreet & Thurman under the firm
name of Overstreet, Thurman & Boone, and later
when Mr. Overstreet retired from the business, the
firm name was changed to Thurman & Boone Company,
Incorporated, of which he is the first Vice President
and Sales Manager. The firm of Thurman &
Boone Company, is located at 26 and 28 Campbell
Avenue, where they conduct the largest and most
up-to-date furniture establishment in Southwest Virginia.

In 1893 he was united in marriage to Miss Alberta
Sublett, daughter of Major and Mrs. J. H. Sublett,
of Alleghany Springs, Montgomery County, Virginia,
and they now reside at 422 Church Avenue of this city.
Mr. Boone is a wide-awake, progressive citizen of
Roanoke and one who has contributed a liberal share
in the general upbuilding of the city.