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If therefore, you shall be inclin'd unto
My way of Divination, then, thus do:
VVithdraw your selves to some place all alone,
VVhere you shall interrupted be of none:
(The VVoods, your Closet, or the fragrant Field,
Conveniences for such a purpose yeeld)
VVhen you are there, place GOD before your eyes,
And, minding he your deeds and thoughts espies.
Cast backward, so far from you every thing
(As possibly) which an offence may bring
To such a Majesty; chiefly those ends
VVhose prosecution, neither truly tends
Unto GOD's honour or to edifie
Your selves or others; but, to vanity;
To satiate your Avarice or Pride,
Or such like Lusts. Thus, having sanctifi'd
Your Persons, place upon the right-hand side
GOD's Oracles, by which all things are tri'd.
You shall in them, exprest at large, behold
All Acts and Sufferings, whieh in times of old
Concern'd Him, or his People, with all those
To them relating, who were Friends or Foes,
So far forth, as to you their cognizance
Pertains, and as your VVeal it may advance.
These, by GOD's Providence transmitted were
To future ages, to be every where,
(Ev'n to the very utmost end of Time)
That VRIM and that THUMMIM unto them,
VVhereto they might repair, when they of ought
That needed Resolution, stood in doubt.