University of Virginia Library

Scene XII.

Clarin; and Soldiers within.
Voices of some.
Live, long live our victor King!

Voices of others.
Live, long live our liberty!

Live, long live the two, I say!
Me it matters not a pin,
Which doth lose or which doth win,
If I can keep out of the way!—
So aside here I will go,


Acting like a prudent hero,
Even as the Emperor Nero
Took things coolly long ago.
Or if care I cannot shun,
Let it 'bout mine ownself be;
Yes, here hidden I can see
All the fighting and the fun;
What a cosy place I spy
Mid the rocks there! so secure,
Death can't find me out I'm sure,
Then a fig for death I say!

[Conceals himself, drums beat and the sound of arms is heard.