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The Open Country.
Night. Storm and Rain. Noureddin with the lamp in his hand.
I have it! Joy! I have it! Here it is!
'Tis here, here, in my right hand, fast and sure!
Pale star, I do not fear to show it thee,
Thy seat is far too high, and far too fixed,
For thee to come and rob me of my prize.
Behold, then, star! Look from thy patch of blue,
Thou only orb, in all the vast of heaven,
Here is the lamp! This poor green copper thing,
Which in my hand I clutch with nervous gripe,
Lest I should lose it, like that heedless fool!
'Tis night, midnight, and gloomy as the grave.
Nature herself has aided me, and donn'd
Her blackest mantle, to obscure my course
From every eye. Good! Courage, then, Noureddin!
I quake in very terror of my power!
Should this not be the true lamp after all?
The doubt sends a cold shiver thro' my bones.
(Looks round.)
Am I alone? Alone! As Adam was
In Paradise, when all the world as yet
Was subject to his sway. Now for the proof!

(Rubs the lamp.)
The Spirit
(appears, and says in a loud voice).
Scour not with such force and fury, I am here at thy command;
Swiftly speed I, when thou callest, swiftly as the lightning's brand.
Every Spirit of the Earth, too, eager is, nor I alone;
Thy behests, the lamp's great master, to fulfil as soon as known!

(drops the lamp in affright; the Spirit vanishes; he lifts it again, and says),
Stay, stay! Again I grasp it! Stay!


I stay.

Art thou the famous slave that serves the ring?

Not famous! No. A mystery.

Dear Djin,
I'm so confused, I know not what I say.
Canst thou procure me whatsoe'er I wish?

Thou'st heard so.

Thou speak'st little.

Act the more!

If, for example, I should be so bold
As order—don't be angry, I but ask,
And asking certainly is not a crime—
If, for example, I should be so bold,
As order you to carry off myself,
Aladdin's palace, bride, and everything,
That is within the palace at this moment,
Into the wilds of Ethiopia?

I'd execute thy wish without a word.

So easily?


As the hyena gulps its prey.

In the lamp's power, thy duty, then, fulfil.

More swiftly than thy thoughts can fly, I will.

[Vanishes with Noureddin.