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Brutus, Lucia with dishevell'd Hair, Attendants.
Lucia runs, and throws herself on her Knees before Brutus.
See, Brutus, See a Princess at thy Feet,


To beg the Life of thy unhappy Son.
O! let her not intreat in vain for Mercy!
'Twas I, 'twas I seduc'd th'unwary Youth;
Mine was the Crime, be mine the Punishment!
Pour all your Wrath on this devoted Head;
I'll bear it all; but spare his Life more precious.
I call great Jove, and ev'ry Power to witness,
His only Fault was too much Love for Lucia!

O! born in evil Hour, t'afflict the Romans,
Cease to inflame my Grief and Indignation!—
Has Titus then conspir'd to aid Porsenna?
If so, he must expect the just Reward,
Due to the Guilt of his enormous Crimes.
Therefore retire; sollicit me no more.
I can no longer hear thy vain Petition.
For Thee, so fatally belov'd by Titus,
Thou shalt be safe conducted to thy Father.

[Exeunt Brutus and Proculus.
No, cruel Man! unworthy such a Son,
Deaf as the Winds, or raging Seas, to Pity,
Lucia rejects with Scorn the Grace you offer!
Tho' weak my Frame, yet still my Soul is Roman.
Brutus and Rome shall see, this gallant Youth
Plac'd not his Love upon a worthless Object.