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A Tragedy

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Cortez enters attended.
The two Traxallans turn and fly.
My angel, my Cyderia!—

[Runs and embraces.
Hold me, fast!
Say—do I live, do I yet breathe?


Yes, dearest!
I have thee, once again; nor shall the world
E'er part us more—Ha! what is here?—Almeria,
All pale and bleeding!

Yes, triumphant Spaniard!
Thou hast thy wish—and, thus, I pour my blood,
[Draws the arrow.
The last of an unhappy life,
To fate and Cortez!—

Ah, support—She's going!—
I wish thy death, Almeria?—Heaven is witness,
To save thy life, how gladly, grateful Cortez
Would risque his own!

Thine arm!—Cyderia's too!—
Fear not, I am past the power to hurt—Sweet maid,
Thou art safe—thank Heaven!—thy pity, and thy pardon!
I ask it with my dying breath!—Ah, Cortez,
Thou art with death familiar—dost thou know,
What 'tis to draw the blood—to drain the breath—
To shut out light, and dwell in chapless vaults,
Sister'd with night and everlasting silence?—
O fearful—not to be!—More fearful, yet—
To live to wretchedness—perhaps, for ever!—
I go—to try—if we may meet—again—
I shall be fraught with tidings—strange to—Oh—

She is at peace—Turn thee from death, Cyderia!
[Beckons to the Attendants who carry out Almeria.
Where is the King, my love, where is thy father?


Alas, I know not.

Alvarez haste—thou hast a human heart!
Restrain the fury of our savage countrymen,
Who range, like tygers, loosed from bonds; unsparing
Of sex, or infancy, or helpless age—
Haste, good Alvarez!
[Exit Alvarez.
Retire, Cyderia!—Ah, here comes a sight,
To make thee think, that blindness were a blessing!