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Demophoon, Creusa, Dirce, Adrastus, Olinthus.
Adrastus, follow him— [Exit Adrastus, Olinthus is led off by an attendant.]
Who can inform me,

Amidst you all, what my Timanthes means,
If frenzy or despair possess his mind?
But wherefore do ye gaze with wonder on me,
Yet speechless stand! O could I but discover
What evil threatens, that my soul might stand
Prepar'd to meet the worst. Almighty powers!
Give me at least to know this secret danger.


Distressful sounds invade my ear,
I see thick smoke obscure the skies,
Around the crackling ruins hear,
Yet find not whence the flames arise.
My terror makes my doubts the more,
Amid my doubts my fears increase:
Distracted thus, I lose the power
To fly, if flight could save my peace.
