University of Virginia Library


Bellmour, Courtney, Louisa.
What have you done? I fear'd this rash Effect,
Of Rage, but half suppress'd—and waited near:
But an Attempt yon Bloodhounds made without,
To force an Entrance, call'd me off too fatally!

Was this, my Bellmour! Speak, was this the Way,
To ease our Wretchedness? Oh! this black Chance
Sinks us still deeper, cuts us off from Comfort,
And we can never, now, be happy more!

Courtney! 'twere vain to wish this Act undone—
Scarce can it claim Repentance.—Secret and sudden,
Let me intreat thee, to convey this Parchment
(Taking the Bond from Bargrave's Pocket.
Into my Woodly's Hand.—Say how it happen'd:
Tell him, whatever Fate may do with me,
I'm bless'd to give him Freedom.

Guard the Doors well.—There's Danger near:
And I'll not leave you long.