The whole Psalter translated into English Metre which contayneth an hundreth and fifty Psalmes |
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The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||
Psalme. XXXII.
The Argument.
Here Dauid teachth to vnderstande,what is cleare blessednes:
Euen pardon free at Gods good hande,
for all our sinnefulnes.
O blest be they: whose trespaces,all whole remitted lye:
Whose sinne is hid: in secrecies,
from which God turnth his eye.
O blessed man to whom in sight,God doth impute no sinne:
Who hath no guile: in suttle sprite,
as hypocrite within.
For that my sinne: I hyd so blynde,and would not it confesse:
My bones and strength for sorrow pynde,
all day I cryed in stresse.
For dayes and nyghtes: thy heauy hand,my soule dyd presse so stout:
That all my powers: and moysture changd
as dryed by sommer drout.
I shewed to thee: my wyckednes,not still my gilt I hid:
I sayd: I will my fault expresse,
then straight thou it didst ryd.
For this to thee: will euery saynt,make sute in tyme of grace:
Though waters flow: in deepe constraynt,
they shall not hym deface.
My refuge thou: art couertly,from trouble me to bryng:
Thus fenst by thee: glad sing shall I,
as men made free do sing.
I will geue thee: intelligence,right thee to teach the way:
That thou mayst walke: wythout offence,
on thee myne eye shall stay.
But be not lyke the horse and mule,who nought can vnderstand:
Whose mouthes wyth bittes except ye rule,
they wyll not come to hand.
The wycked man: wyth cares is fret,wyth sorrowes fouly vext:
But who hys trust: in God hath set,
to hym all grace is next.
In thys the Lord: reioyce ye still,ye righteous men be glad:
All ye that haue: ryght hartes and wyll,
ioy ye be not adrad.
The whole Psalter translated into English Metre | ||