University of Virginia Library



Three days agone
Her hand was won
By suitor that was skilled to woo;
And now come we
In state, to see
The Church's ceremonials due.
The Bride in white
Is clad aright,
And in the carriage closely hid;
No blush to veil—
For too, too pale
The cheek beneath each downcast lid.
White favours rest
On every breast;
And yet methinks we seem not gay.


The church is cold,
The priest is old,—
Now who will give the bride away?
Bowed sexton there,
With frosty hair,
Stand forward and discharge thy trust.
Priest's words sound forth;
They 're—“Earth to earth,
Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.”
Withdrawn in gloom
Waits Death the groom;
(His wedding-chimes, how slow they swing!)
With icy grip
He soon will clip
Her finger with the wormy ring.
The match is fair.
This silent pair,
Here to each other given for ever,
Were lovers long,
Were plighted strong
With oaths and bonds that nought could sever.


So sisters two
Are parted now,
Quitting the home where both drew breath;
The Soul made wife
To the Prince of Life,
The Body wedded to King Death.