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In the Dorian Mood

By Victor Plarr

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(By Dartmoor, Sept., 1893)
To F.W.W.
All day long upon her throne
Reason sat,
Ruled the realm which is her own
Judged of this, disputed that:
Now the heart doth beat alone!
In the deep lane by the hedge
Trails a leaf,
And along the river's edge
The low wind awakes the grief
In the dry heart of the sedge.


Journey through the wood you must
Though the tread
Falter in the soundless dust,
And the dark oaks overhead
Shudder in a silent gust!
Journey through the wood you shall
When the tors
Are grown dark and tragical,
And the wit no longer soars,
And the valley lights enthrall!
Night hath just that mystic power
Now as when,
On the moor there, hour by hour,
Those old Neolithic men
'Mong their monstrous stones did cower
While the screech-owl swept the ground,
And the wolf


Went his swift mysterious round
On the shore of midnight's gulf
Where the dead sheep's bones are found!
In a circle of gray stone
Reason sat
All day long among her own,
Arguing this, rejecting that:
Now the heart must beat alone!