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“Was not my work fulfilled and closed below?
Had I not lived and loved? my lot was cast.”
From the German of Schiller.


Love?—I will tell thee what it is to love!
It is to build with human thoughts a shrine,
Where Hope sits brooding like a beauteous dove;
Where Time seems young, and Life a thing divine.
All tastes—all pleasures—all desires combine
To consecrate this sanctuary of bliss.
Above—the stars in shroudless beauty shine;—
Around—the streams their flowery margins kiss—
And if there's heaven on earth; that heaven is surely this!



Yes, this is Love,—the stedfast and the true—
The immortal glory which hath never set;
The best, the brightest boon the heart e'er knew:—
Of all life's sweets the very sweetest yet!
Oh! who but can recall the eve they met
To breathe, in some green walk, their first young vow,
While summer flowers with moonlight dews were wet,
And winds blew soft around the mountain's brow,—
And all was rapture then—which is but memory now!


Honour may wreath the Victor's brow with bays,
And Glory pour her treasures at his feet;—
The Statesman win his country's honest praise—
Fortune and Commerce in our cities meet:
But when—ah! when were earth's possessions sweet—
Unblest with one fond friend those gifts to share?
The lowliest peasant in his calm retreat,
Finds more of happiness, and less of care,
Than hearts unwarm'd by love mid palace halls must bear!