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Madmoments: or First Verseattempts

By a Bornnatural. Addressed to the Lightheaded of Society at Large, by Henry Ellison

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What is it, that mine Eyes look on? some bright
And radiant Angel, from the Settingsun


Alighting on yon Hill? no, 'tis but one
Of Earth's poor Dwellers, whom the Heaven's light
Has steeped in its own Glory, till to Sight
He seems transfigured: but the Glory's gone,
And there He stands, a simple Man alone,
The Halo faded from his Brow: Like might,
Yea! more hath virtue! She can lasting make
That Glory; can transfigure inwardly
The Mortal, till the Angel's Form he take,
And be, not seem — till ever in God's Eye,
From his whole being its clear Light will break
Transparent made, like moses' Bush, thereby!