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By Lady Emmeline Stuart Wortley

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My hope hath ever streamed a meteor bright,
A sunshine-glimpse—a mirage of delight—
A star soon bosomed in a cloudy night:
Such is my hope!
It shifts and shines a brightly-troubled dream,
A rainbow's aëry woof—a glowworm's gleam—
A sun-set cloud, with varying hue and beam:
Such is my hope!
Fragile as that light cloud's fantastic form—
Soon changed when summer-heavens, serene and warm,
Are darkened by the sudden gathering storm:
Such is my hope!


A phantasm of enchantments bright and frail,
A flower-scent borne along a sweeping gale,
The music of a dying nightingale:
Thus ends my hope!
But hark! what rapturous notes resounding ring!
It is the lark upon his fearless wing!—
With him from earth to heaven exulting spring,
My hope—and conquer!