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Ireland for the Irish

Rhymes and Reasons Against Landlordism with a Preface on Fenianism and Republicanism. By W. J. Linton, Formerly of the Irish "Nation"

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Every minute in the night,
Be it dark and dread,
Is a step toward the light
On the mountain head:
Till our eyelids reach the dawn,
And the fearful night is gone,
As swift as startled fawn
From the hunter's tread.
Every blow struck in the fight
On a foeman's shield
Is a promise for the Right,
That the Wrong shall yield:
And each determined word,
Like some ancient hero's sword,
Returneth to its lord
With his hest fulfill'd.


Every step into the light,
As the dawn-mists fly,
The hours increase in might,
Till the noon rides high:
And as night's black clouds disperse
At the sun-god's burning curse,
So drives Oppression's hearse
From our conquest-cry.