University of Virginia Library


The Interleaved Prayer Book.

To the Countess of Londesborough at the Restoration of Londesborough Church.

The new East Window, in Londesborough Church, designed by Mr. Temple Moore, and filled with stained glass by Messrs. Burlison and Grylls of London, was intended to commemorate the coming of age of the only son of Lord and Lady Londesborough, the Honourable Francis Denison, now Lord Raincliffe, Dec. 1885. The subject is the Crucifixion.

Lady, accept this Book of Prayer, which shows
On each alternate page the distant springs
Of inspiration, whence it sweetly brings
The stream of holy thought that through it flows.
Antiquity in every Collect glows;
To every Canticle a memory clings:
These words, through all the ages, have lent wings
To praise and hope amid life's joys or woes.
This ancient Book befits that ancient Shrine
By centuries of worship sanctified,
And now made beautiful by Thee and Thine;
Where softest colours blend their radiant pride
To glorify the Cross of Love divine,
At whose dear Feet true rest and peace abide.