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sylvan and sacred. By the Rev. Richard Wilton

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Mary “sat at Jesus' feet,”
Rapt in contemplation sweet,
Gazing up into His face,
Drinking in His words of grace,
By no earthly murmur moved
From the posture that she loved:
Lord, be this my daily choice
At Thy feet to hear Thy voice.
Mary “fell at Jesus' feet”
When her brother, through the street
By the mourners borne away,
Folded in death's darkness lay;


All her sorrow forth she sighed,
Christ with answering groans replied:
Lord, in trouble let me fall
At Thy feet and tell Thee all.
Mary stood at Jesus' feet,
Offering as He sat at meat
Costly gift of spikenard rare,
Glistening tears and flowing hair;
Speechless love and thanks she gave
To the Master strong to save:
Lord, when gladness lights my days
At Thy feet I'll give Thee praise.
At Thy feet once pierced for me
Always shall my station be;
By Thy Spirit and Thy Word
To Thy servant speak, O Lord;


In my sorrow succour bring;
Hear me when Thy praise I sing;
Till 'mid Heaven's high joys at last
At Thy feet my crown I cast!

Luke x. 39.

John xi. 32.

John xii. 3.

Rev. iv. 11.