University of Virginia Library



The cuckoos of the neighbourhood are meeting in the park,
They mean to journey leagues away before the day falls dark.
Oh, sweet their stay in England, and the music from their beak,
But now they flit to Africa, because their chests are weak.
In counties such as Warwick, if they wintered they would die,
Speckled children of the sunbeam in a bluer, brighter sky;
But they visit us in springtime just to fly about and speak,
Ere they point away to Africa, because their chests are weak.


Though they treat the hedge-birds badly, we forgive them for their note,
For their mellow bar of beauty, for their finely feathered coat;
They are parents of an order not affectionate, nor meek,
These cuckoos bound for Africa, because their chests are weak.
Though they fly away from England over many a weary mile,
They love our caterpillars and they like our cosy isle.
These gentlemen in feathers, with their ladies fair and fleet,
When Spring is green, will travel here to call across the wheat.
So at parting we God-speed them with no reprehending word,
Dear guests for our civility—there goes the pilot bird!
Farewell till wood-anemones are friendly by the creek—
We spare you all for Africa, because your chests are weak.