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Spiritual Melody

Containing near Three Hundred Sacred Hymns. By Benjamin Keach

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HYMN 33.
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HYMN 33.

[Thou art a Fountain, Holy One]

Zech. 13. 1. In that day there shall be a Fountain opened, &c.

[The First Part.]

Thou art a Fountain, Holy One,
The Head of ev'ry Spring;
All fulness is in thee alone,
To thee we therefore sing.
A Fountain full of grace and peace,
Nay it does overflow;
Its waters run, and never cease,
The like's not here below.
A vent is made, and it does run,
And sends its waters forth;
The streams this way and that way turn
To water the dry earth.
All the low places do receive
These waters evermore;
On humble souls who do believe,
Thou dost thy blessings pour.
Into these Valleys thou dost send
Thy precious streams amain;
Those Meadows well are watered,
Yea, watered again.
Like as the Sun is full of light,
And Waters fill the Sea;


So art thou full of goodness, Lord,
So is that grace in thee.
How many Vessels hast thou fill'd
Since first the Fountain run!
And many thousands more wilt fill
Before that thou hast done!

The Second Part.

All Souls of Saints that ever were,
Who did true grace possess,
Were fill'd by thee, and yet we see
There's ne're a drop the less.
Great Vessels, Lord, thy Churches be,
Yet all these thou dost fill;
A gracious measure they all have,
According to thy will.
A bigger Vessel we espy
Thou empty wilt anon;
And fill it full of grace likewise
Before that thou hast done.
This Vessel, Lord, is the whole Earth
That now abounds with sin;
Thou wilt it empty o're awhile,
And fill it full agen.
Nay, thou wilt turn it upside down,
As some their Vessels do;
To empty it of wickedness,
Which now aboundeth so.


And then the earth with knowledge shall
As Seas with water swell,
Be filled, Lord, and that by thee,
As Holy Writ does tell.
And well it is thou hast so much
Water of life in thee;
For all our Vessels empty are,
Besides they leaky be.
Nor is there any other Well
Our wants for to supply;
We must unto this Fountain come,
Or else our souls will die.

Third Part.

All people that on earth do dwell,
Of water stand in need;
But none is there to be found out,
But what, Lord, does proceed.
From thine own self, and now O well
Unto thee we will sing;
O mighty Sea! and Fountain deep!
And every lasting Spring!
With Saints of old we'll sing this Song,
And say, Spring up O Well;
And send thy water forth, and now
Refresh thy Israel.
Here we may wash, and healed be,
And cleansed from our sin;


Here we may drink who thirsty are,
And never thirst agen.
O come unto the Fountain now!
O haste and come with speed!
Behold 'tis open, come away,
These waters you do need,
Before the Fountain is seal'd up,
Or God the stream does turn;
O come ye Sinners, wash your souls!
See how the waters run!